Fitting an elastic knee sleeve

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An elastic knee sleeve can be used for added stability on faulty knees that have the tendency to slide out of place when engaged in any activity. You can easily buy one in any drug store or at grocery stores. If you are having a hard time finding the right elastic knee sleeve, you have to look for one that fits properly to provide adequate support, but it should not be too loose or too tight.


It is important that you know how to fit a knee sleeve in order to provide additional support as well as prevent injury. If you want to learn how to handle knee injuries, click here.

How to fit an elastic knee sleeve

knee sleeve
It is important that you know how to fit a knee sleeve in order to provide additional support as well as prevent injury

By following the steps below, you will surely find the right elastic knee sleeve for additional support as well as preventing knee injury.

  1. You can try on different knee sleeves. You should have an estimate of the appropriate size but once you can actually try one on, you will not be able to determine if it actually fits correctly.
  2. When putting on the knee sleeve, you have to pull it up to the knee. Always remember that the fit must be snug enough as it gets closer to the knee and you have to exert some effort in actually pulling it up and over the knee joint. Avoid pulling it too hard that you are already struggling, but it should have a snug fit.
  3. The top part of the sleeve must rest at the lower region of the upper thigh. Wrinkles should not form and there are no gaps present. Take note that the sleeve must fit just like a second skin and there must be a sensation of snugness as well as additional security the moment it is worn.
  4. Do not forget to ensure that it is snug but also not too tight. Always remember that there should be no squeezing sensation and you can still insert two fingers beneath the sleeve without the feeling extreme tightness on the fingers or the leg. The main point of using a knee sleeve is to deliver additional support without disrupting or cutting off the circulation.
  5. You have to walk around while wearing the knee sleeve so that you will know how it feels. The best fit will provide movable support which allows the legs to work as well as providing a secure feeling but will not cause any discomfort or pain on the leg or knee.

Important considerations to bear in mind

Once you decide to wear an elastic knee sleeve, you should take your time during the selection process and if it does not fit properly, you have to look for another size. Always make sure that it is not too tight since it will only disrupt the circulation to the leg.

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