December 2016

Human bites

Human bites can be categorized as minor or serious. It is vital to determine which ones necessitate medical care. Remember that human bites include various injuries including deliberately-inflicted bites but also from encountering the teeth of another individual. Indications of a human bite A human bite is usually an evident injury but in some cases,

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Vertigo is a form of dizziness that can persist for a brief period or last for hours or even days. Individuals who have vertigo have a deceiving sensation that the surroundings are spinning. This can be accompanied by nausea and balance loss. Remember that vertigo is a symptom and in most cases, there is a

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Zika virus

The Zika virus is a carried by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. If an individual was bitten by this type of mosquito, he/she can become infected by the Zika virus. In most individuals, this triggers a very mild illness but one might not be even aware of acquiring the virus. The Aedes aegypti mosquito usually bites

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