Effects of dehydration: Frequent urination

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The urge to urinate frequently can be triggered by various conditions. This can be accompanied by the feeling to urinate right away together with pain or discomfort in the bladder. It is important to note that frequent urination can be caused by diabetes, urinary infection, cancer, pregnancy, stroke, urinary incontinence, neurological diseases and prostate issues. If the individual urinates more than usual and not replacing the lost fluids and electrolytes, he/she is at risk for dehydration. When dealing with frequent urination, it is vital to be well aware of the indications of dehydration and to drink enough water in order to prevent any complications from developing.

Electrolyte imbalance

The body requires the right balance of electrolytes to maintain health and optimal functioning. In most circumstances, when the levels of water in the body are altered, it also affects the electrolytes. It simply means that if the individual has frequent urination, he/she might lose not just fluid but also vital nutrients as well.

Frequent urination among adults would be at least 2-1/2 liters of urine in a day. It is also vital to monitor for signs of dehydration such as back or side pain, chills, vomiting, sudden weight loss, bloody or cloudy urine and discharge from the vagina or penis.

The best way to avoid dehydration and other health issues is to drink at least 1-1/2 to 2 quarts of fluids in a day. The doctor might recommend a higher amount to prevent fluid loss via urination. It is suggested to take a water bottle while at work and other activities to help with the daily needs.

When the symptoms develop

The initial step is to determine the exact cause of frequent urination. In most cases, treating the underlying condition can resolve any issues. Frequent urination among adults would be at least 2-1/2 liters of urine in a day. It is also vital to monitor for signs of dehydration such as back or side pain, chills, vomiting, sudden weight loss, bloody or cloudy urine and discharge from the vagina or penis. In addition, you should also watch out for specific indications of dehydration.

Initial stage of dehydration

In case frequent urination caused mild to moderate dehydration, the individual can experience dry, sticky mouth, dizziness or headaches. In most cases, there are few or no tears when crying and the individual feels unusually tired or sluggish. It is not advisable to wait until thirsty to drink especially if the individual loses fluids through a condition such as frequent urination. Remember that clear or light-colored urine indicates that the individual is properly hydrated while dark yellow or amber color indicates dehydration.

Indications of severe dehydration

If the fluid loss was not replaced when the symptoms manifest, the dehydration progresses to a severe state. You have to watch out for symptoms such as fever, extreme thirst, sunken eyes as well as lack of sweating, skin that is not elastic and low blood pressure.

The heart rate can become erratic along with diminished urine output and loss of consciousness. Take note that dehydration can be life-threatening, thus if any of these symptoms are present, it is vital to seek immediate medical attention.

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