
Silica gel poisoning

Silica is basically drying agent that is used to eliminate humidity from any sealed off space. You can commonly find silica gel packs in packaging of purses, shoes or medication bottles. Take note that these gels are a form of silicic acid that is quite similar to sand. Always bear in mind that silica gel […]

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Household poisons

There are common household poisons that are considered dangerous to humans. It is important to be careful when using these household substances. There are some chemicals that become toxic if they are combined together, while others are already poisonous when used as directed. Bleach and ammonia Always remember that it is bad to combine bleach

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First aid for snake bites

Snake bites are considered as medical emergencies if the snake is venomous. Always remember that snake bites are deadly if they are not treated right away. Children are at high risk for death or serious complications to snake bites due to their smaller bodies. The administration of the right anti-venom can save a life. This

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Alcohol poisoning

Alcohol poisoning is considered serious and often life-threatening. It is due to the consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol in just a short period. Understandably, drinking excessively can affect the heart rate, breathing, gag reflex and body temperature and it can potentially lead to coma and even death. This poisoning can also occur if adults

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