Treatment options for a supraspinatus tendon

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The supraspinatus tendon is described as a dense fibrous band of tissue that is responsible for connecting the supraspinatus muscle to the shoulder joint. Take note that the supraspinatus muscle is a component of the rotator cuff and any injury to the rotator cuff is one of the sources of shoulder pain among many individuals.

The occurrence of rotator cuff damage tends to increase with age and is most commonly caused by the deterioration of the tendon instead of injury due to trauma or sports. If the supraspinatus tendon is torn or inflamed, it can cause pain, swelling of the joint and difficulty raising the shoulder. In most circumstances of supraspinatus tendon damage, they can be treated using conservative measures, but surgery might be required in severe cases.



Supraspinatus tendon
The occurrence of rotator cuff damage tends to increase with age and is most commonly caused by the deterioration of the tendon instead of injury due to trauma or sports.

Almost half of individuals with supraspinatus tendon tear can achieve relief with the help of non-surgical treatment options. With this in mind, rest and application of ice are the first aid measures to perform right after the onset of the tear. By allowing the individual to rest and applying ice, the ligament can heal and the individual will notice a decrease in the symptoms over time. Even though the individual might notice a decrease in the pain and swelling, the strength will not improve. Due to this, individuals who need an improvement in their shoulder strength must consider the surgical treatment for a supraspinatus tendon injury.


Medications can be used to treat a supraspinatus tendon injury. The main objective of the treatment is to relieve pain and minimize the inflammation. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, naproxen and ibuprofen can be given to treat the symptoms.

Take note that these medications are effective since they can alter the chemical signals related to pain and inflammation. Once these medications are taken regularly, they can provide beneficial results. Even though beneficial, NSAIDs can cause side effects such as clay-colored stool, dark urine, heart problems and stomach discomfort. If the individual experiences any of these side effects, he/she must consult a doctor. The doctor can prescribe a different medication or reduce the dosage to minimize the side effects.

Surgical intervention

The surgical treatment is the option for a supraspinatus tendon tear that do not respond to conservative measures and linked with loss of function, weakness and limited joint movement. If the individual decides to undergo surgery, the doctor will repair the torn tendon and connect to back to the shoulder joint. In some cases, the doctor will endorse arthroscopic surgery which includes the use of a camera and other operating instruments.

The risks linked with arthroscopic surgery include severe bleeding, infection, shoulder joint damage, nerve damage and severe scarring of the shoulder joint. Always remember that all the risks and benefits of this procedure must be carefully discussed before proceeding with the operation.

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