Why invest on first aid training

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For employers, it is their responsibility to ensure that their employees receive immediate attention if they are sick or injured while in the workplace. Always bear in mind that illness and accidents can occur any time and timely delivery of first aid measures can prevent minor injuries from worsening and can even save a life. A small investment on first aid training will surely pay off in the long run.

What employers must do?

Employers must establish appropriate first aid arrangements for the workplace. With this in mind, it is best to consider the workforce, circumstances in the workplace and the safety and health risks involved so that the suitable arrangements can be decided and put in place.

A small workplace with low-risk should have a first aid kit and an individual assigned to oversee the first aid arrangements such as calling emergency services as well as supplying the first aid kit. The appointed individual does not necessarily need first aid training.

Workplaces that have higher safety and health risks especially hazardous materials or machinery, a trained first aider must be employed. All employees must be familiar with the details of the first aid arrangements.

Assessment of first aid needs

One way to establish the suitable provision for first aid is to conduct an assessment of the first aid needs appropriate to the circumstances of a particular business. Important considerations include the workplace, workforce and the risks and hazards present.

Arrangements for first aid

first aid training
First aid training must be provided by businesses and organizations.

The arrangements typically depend on the result of the first aid needs assessment as well as the pertinent circumstances in the workplace at any given time. The results from the assessment will indicate the level of first aid equipment, facilities and the personnel needed. On a minimum scale, there must be a well-stocked first aid kit, an individual assigned to handle the first aid arrangements and information provided to all employees regarding the details of the first aid arrangement.

Proper identification of the workplace issues and health risks through the assessment can allow any business or organization to provide the appropriate number of trained first aiders as well as the equipment and facilities.

Individuals in charge of first aid

The ideal individuals to be given the task as first aiders must be properly trained by a competent first aid training provider when it comes to first aid, emergency care or an appropriate level of training.

Today, first aid is vital for any business establishment as well as in public venues so that timely interventions can be provided in case of injuries or illnesses.  You can even learn by enrolling in a first aid course that includes CPR and AED. In doing so, you are prepared to help out others in cases of accidents or illnesses in the workplace. Obviously, it can also help save a life.

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