How to prevent contact dermatitis

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Contact dermatitis is considered as a common skin condition that often leads to inflammation. There are different types of contact dermatitis which also includes irritant dermatitis that is caused by exposure to a particular irritant such as detergent, soap, jewelry and other chemicals. Allergic dermatitis is also included which occurs upon exposure to certain plants such as poison ivy or poison oak. Majority of individuals who develop contact dermatitis will suffer from an itchy rash that can quite annoying. On the other hand, there are first aid measures and products that can be used to help treat this skin condition.

Avoiding any exposure to the irritants

The ideal way to prevent contact dermatitis from developing is to avoid any exposure to the allergens and irritants that triggers the condition. It simply means that the individual must avoid getting in contact with things that he/she is allergic to.

Contact dermatitis
For mild cases, a hydrocortisone cream or other anti-itch products such as calamine lotion can be used. These are available over-the-counter and can help alleviate the itchiness.

The common allergens that can trigger a rash include certain flowers and plants, animal dander, latex and even saliva.

Some individuals have very sensitive skin upon exposure to dyes and perfumes commonly used in detergents, soaps, lotions, cosmetics and other skin care products. In such cases, it is best to encourage them to use gentle cleansers and dye and perfume-free products if possible. As for individuals who work with chemicals, it is important to us protective clothing and gloves. Additionally, when cleaning around the house, it is also recommended to use gloves to avoid contact with the household cleaning products. Take note that some household cleaning agents can be harsh on the skin.

Proper hygienic measures

Once an individual gets in contact with a particular substance or chemical that can trigger contact dermatitis, it is important to clean the affected area right away. You have to use mild cleanser or soap and warm water to clean the area that was exposed to the irritant.

Individuals who work with chemicals are advised to shower after work to eliminate any leftover chemicals. It is also important to wash hands thoroughly after cleaning with household cleaners.

Treating contact dermatitis

In case the individual develops a red-colored, itchy rash which clearly indicates contact dermatitis, there are various products that can be used. For mild cases, a hydrocortisone cream or other anti-itch products such as calamine lotion can be used. These are available over-the-counter and can help alleviate the itchiness.

Always make sure that you will follow the directions on the labels to ensure that you are using the product properly. As for severe cases, it is best to have it checked by the doctor as soon as possible so that the appropriate treatment can be provided. In most cases of severe contact dermatitis, the doctor will usually prescribe corticosteroid creams or ointments as well as oral antihistamines to deal with the itchiness and minimize the inflammation.

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