Be ready with a travel first aid kit

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It cannot be denied that first aid skills are vital in any scenario whether at home, work or when travelling. Aside from your clothes and vacation essentials, it is also important to bring along a travel first aid kit so that you are always prepared. Remember that you will be away in a different location or country, thus you should bring vital health information papers that includes health conditions, medications, allergies, name of your doctor, contact information and insurance details. All of these are essential if you might need medical care during your trip.

With a travel first aid kit readily available, you can enjoy your vacation yet ready in case emergencies might occur.

A travel first aid kit

When bringing a travel first aid kit, it can be easily customized for your trip in order to include all the essentials and special needs of each family member. You have to include all the basic supplies but there are also considerations to bear in mind.

• Members during the trip – Always bring enough supplies that are adequate for everybody during the trip.
• Length of the trip – Over-the-counter medications and prescription medications must be properly stocked in order to last for the entire trip. Make sure that you will have spare supplies in case of travelling delays, just to be safe.
• Destination – For wilderness or outdoor trips, always bring along a compass, water purification tablets, whistle and a water filtering bottle. Over-the-counter medications must be included in case of allergic reactions. Do not forget to bring along a first aid instructional manual, especially for the outdoors if available.

Anti-allergy Medication
An Epi-Pen will come in handy for individuals who have allergic reactions.

• Activities during the trip – When it comes to outdoor treks that includes hiking, it is best to include moleskin that will serve as a protection for your heels from blisters. For boating, always bring along medications for motion sickness. Additionally, bring along sunblock, insect repellent, calamine lotion and burn gel since these are all needed for outdoor activities.

Participants on a trip must check with their doctor to ensure that the required vaccinations are updated and do not forget to ask if any special vaccinations or medications are required in your destination. It is also vital to check that your supply of prescription medication is enough and stored in bottles that are appropriately labelled with your name, name of the medication, prescribing doctor, pharmacy contact number and the directions for use. Any medications must be with you at all times and not checked-in with the luggage.

In case a member of your family has a chronic or serious medical condition, it is best to invest on a medical identification bracelet that you can easily find in medical stores. In doing so, it can provide healthcare professionals with vital information about the health condition of the individual in case of emergencies.

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