January 2015

What are the usual causes of chest congestion?

It is important to note that chest congestion involves the accumulation of mucus and fluids in the lungs which results to symptoms of discomfort, pain, coughing, tenderness and difficulty breathing.  In some circumstances, chest congestion can indicate a serious lung or heart disorder that entails immediate medical care. Remember that chest congestion can produce both

What are the usual causes of chest congestion? Read More »

Why do I have an allergic rash after drinking alcoholic beverages?

An allergic reaction to alcohol typically occurs as sensitivity to one of the ingredients present in certain alcoholic beverages or to the substances that the alcohol is combined with in cocktails. If an individual is unable to metabolize alcohol, it can cause flushing which resembles a rash, especially in some ethnic groups. Since allergic reactions

Why do I have an allergic rash after drinking alcoholic beverages? Read More »

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