When an ankle wrap is too tight

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In some cases of ankle injuries such as a sprain, an ankle wrap is required in order to help with the healing process of the injury. It is vital that you know how to carefully manage an ankle injury using a wrap and how to wrap properly.


Always remember that circulation to the damaged area is vital to the healing process. There are various warning indications that can cut down the circulation to the ankle due to a tight ankle wrap.

The individual must wiggle his/her toes and carefully observe. A properly placed ankle wrap will leave the toes in regular skin tone. Bluish or purple toes simply indicate that the ankle wrap is too tight. Always feel above the wrap, beneath the wrap and check the toes. The skin must not be cool to the touch. Tingling or numbness in these areas indicates diminished circulation.

Ankle wrap
An ankle wrap is specifically designed to help reduce the pain felt by the individual in his/her ankle.

Pain as an indicator

An ankle wrap is specifically designed to help reduce the pain felt by the individual in his/her ankle. After 5 minutes of applying the ankle wrap, take a quick check on the lower leg, foot, ankle and toes. Make sure that the pain must be the same or less than what it was before it was wrapped.

In case there is more pain within or around the ankle, the ankle wrap is too tight or the issue might be a serious one than what was originally thought. The individual should take note if the pain felt changes after applying the wrap. Take into consideration any pain medications used and adjust the pain scale accordingly.

Loose and lazy rule

You have to slacken the wrapped ankle during any planned down time. Take note that the lazy, restful periods are the ideal opportunity to allow the body to naturally heal without the help of the compression. The compression wrap is what the doctor will recommend for mobile and active periods but must be removed throughout the day to allow increased circulation and relief from the pressure provided by the wrap. You have to raise the damaged ankle, remove the wrap and get some rest at least 4 times throughout the day.

How to use an ankle wrap properly

An ankle wrap provides support to the damaged ankle. Always follow the instructions given by the doctor to ensure a snug fit against the ankle. Compression wraps can reduce some of the pain linked with the injury. The protected ankle requires the support in order to heal effectively.

A tight wrap will not provide the ankle enough support. It can even cause more harm than doing any good. A doctor should be consulted regarding how to wrap the damaged ankle properly to achieve the best results. The doctor might be able to demonstrate the right away to do it.

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