What you need to know about ragweed allergy

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Ragweed allergy is considered as a form of allergic rhinitis in which the individual has a highly reactive immune system upon exposure to the ragweed pollen. When it comes to ragweed allergy, it is often referred to as hay fever and quite common during August up to November when the plant releases pollen. Take note that other countries have varying levels of ragweed pollen and some find that moving to a different place can either worsen or ease the symptoms. As one of the common allergies that affect millions of individuals all over the globe, it is best that you know how to manage the symptoms. All you have to do is to register for first aid training today in your area.

Eye issues

An individual who has ragweed allergy will experience symptoms that affect the eyes. Teary eyes typically develop soon after being exposed to ragweed pollen. There is also itchiness around the eyes and the eyes can appear bloodshot or red in color. Once an individual is exposed to ragweed pollen for some time, he/she might end up with dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. In most cases, eye drops can help relieve some of the symptoms experienced by the individual.

Mouth and throat issues

Ragweed allergy
A runny and itchy nose, episodes of sneezing and difficulty in detecting smells are some of the initial symptoms experienced by the individual after being exposed to ragweed pollen.

Ragweed allergy can also cause an itchy or sore throat. Extended exposure to ragweed can also lead to coughing as well. The interior of the mouth can also become itchy and dry while the sensation of taste can diminish. Over-the-counter lozenges can help ease the pain in the throat caused by ragweed allergy.

Nasal symptoms

The nose is usually affected by ragweed allergy. A runny and itchy nose, episodes of sneezing and difficulty in detecting smells are some of the initial symptoms experienced by the individual after being exposed to ragweed pollen.

After some time, these can progress to sinus pain and nasal congestion. Oftentimes, sinusitis or sinus infection can develop in the damaged sinus passages. Individuals who currently have asthma can end up with more frequent or severe asthma attacks after being exposed to ragweed pollen. Many individuals who suffer from the nasal symptoms use a decongestant, saline flush or nasal spray.

What are the other symptoms?

Some individuals experience the symptoms of ragweed allergy that affect other bodily systems. Ear infections and clogged ears can also occur due to ragweed allergy. Irritability, headache and fatigue are other symptoms. In some circumstances, an individual finds that his/her thinking seems fuzzier and have memory difficulties. In most cases, antihistamines can help ease the symptoms of an allergic reaction to ragweed pollen.

During the peak season of the ragweed pollen, it is best to observe measures to minimize exposure such as staying indoors and closing the windows. Remember that an allergic reaction to ragweed pollen can be prevented.

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