What you need to know about flu

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Depending on the type of flu, the treatment given is the same. In the previous years, the treatment for flu and the precautions were simply common sense. With years of studies and research, there are important things that you should be familiar with when handling flu nowadays.

Luckily, if you are healthy when you get the flu, you will recover in no time. Those who become sick from flu are at risk for developing serious illness or complications while those who already have medical conditions are not likely to survive. Nevertheless, this depends on a case to case basis and the medical interventions delivered.

Facts about flu

Flu is a respiratory disease that primarily targets the lungs. It is a caused by a virus which is why antibiotics do not work. Antiviral medications are typically given and can shorten the length of illness as long as they are taken early.

Once the body is exposed to the flu virus, the immune system will produce antibodies to fight it. These antibodies remain in our system and fight off any exposure. This is why a yearly flu shot is important since it provides the immune system with enough power to build up antibodies before they are needed.

Symptoms of flu

flu symptoms
Headache is one of the symptoms of the flu.

Flu is quite similar to a cold, but much worse. As for the symptoms, they are also similar, but stronger in nature.

• Fever
• Shortness of breath
• Coughing
• Runny nose
• Headache
• Sore throat
• Chills
• Fatigue
• Body aches

Treatment for flu

The best treatment for flu is no other than prevention. It is best to consult your doctor whether you need a flu shot. Take note that this vaccination can prevent you from getting the flu and if you do not get sick, you will not become a carrier of the flu.

In case you acquired the illness, the intake of fluids is important. Early administration of antiviral medications can greatly help. Understandably, an individual suffering from flu needs adequate rest. It is best to stay away from others by staying at home until you are fully recovered. In doing so, you will not spread the virus to others, especially to your family and young children. In case of fever, antipyretics can be given in order to reduce the high temperature.

In case you have to interact with others in your house, there are certain tips to bear in mind.

• Always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue every time your sneeze or cough and then dispose the tissue properly.
• Wash your hands on a regular basis using water and soap, especially right after your sneeze or cough.
• In case you could not wash your hands, you can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
• Always keep your hands out of your face. Remember that touching your nose, mouth or eyes can spread the virus.

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