What organs in the body are affected by salmonella?

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Salmonella is considered as a prevalent form of bacteria that can cause infections among humans, usually via exposure to inadequately processed foods such as eggs or chicken as well as contaminated water or contact with animals such as amphibians and reptiles.

Those who are commonly affected by Salmonella infection are young children or those who have underlying immune disorders. Take note that the bacteria incubates for 1-3 days before the symptoms start to manifest.

Salmonella gastroenteritis

The typically affected body system affected by salmonella infection is the gastrointestinal tract. Individuals usually exhibit blood-streaked diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps. The diarrhea can be profuse and eventually lead to dehydration. In severe cases, it can lead to anemia but this is considered rare. Take note that the fever can be difficult to control or manage using medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

The typically affected body system affected by salmonella infection is the gastrointestinal tract. Individuals usually exhibit blood-streaked diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps.

The abdominal cramping can be painful and strikingly similar to surgical issues such as appendicitis. The use of antibiotics is not recommended for salmonella gastroenteritis since it does not reduce the length of the symptoms and will only extend the length of contagiousness. You can learn how to check for the symptoms of food poisoning as well as manage the symptoms by enrolling in a class on first aid today.

Salmonella bacteremia

Bacteremia indicates that bacterium has already spread into the bloodstream. Once this occurs, salmonella can affect several organ systems in the body which is known as typhoid or enteric fever. The symptoms of bacteremia are steady and often include fever, reduced appetite, headache and changes in the mental status such as lethargy and diminished consciousness.

Individuals who have typhoid fever can suffer from severe abdominal pain along with spleen and liver enlargement. The fever usually worsens and becomes persistent. Individuals who have typhoid can develop rose-colored spots on the skin. Those who have typhoid fever will undergo antibiotic therapy for 10 days. This is effective in managing the disease and the symptoms.

Other body systems that are affected

When it comes to the blood, salmonella can trigger several infections. Among those who have sickle cell disease, salmonella can trigger osteomyelitis. Take note that this bone infection typically includes localized pain particularly when the individual attempts to move and fever. Even though osteomyelitis affects the long bones in the extremities, those who have sickle cell will end up with infection in any bone, including the pelvis and vertebra. The treatment for osteomyelitis typically involves the administration of intravenous antibiotics usually up to the span of 4-6 weeks.

In some cases, salmonella can also instigate meningitis. This is an infection of the tissues that surround the brain and central nervous system. Even though the condition is rare, this can cause life-threating consequences especially among infants and if not treated as soon as possible.

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