What is an abscess toothache?

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The pain from an abscessed tooth is not similar to an average toothache. A mild toothache usually comes and goes while an abscess toothache is continuous and severe. If the individual ignores the severe abscess toothache, it can lead to serious complications once the infection spreads throughout the body. Remember that prompt dental care is required if the individual experiences any of the symptoms of an abscessed tooth.

A tooth abscess occurs due to an infection of the gum or tooth. The infection typically occurs as a result of trauma to the tooth or tooth decay. Take note that the infection can cause the development of pus within the tooth or at the gum line, thus triggering an abscess toothache. If you want to learn how to manage the condition with the right measures, all you have to do is to enroll in a class on first aid today.

What are the types?

Abscess toothache typically develops due to certain types of abscesses. Periapical abscess starts in the pulp in the center of the tooth while a gingival abscess occurs once the gums are involved. As for a periodontal abscess, it starts in the bone tissues that support the teeth.

Abscess toothache
In most cases of abscess toothaches, it is described as sore and throbbing.


In most cases of abscess toothaches, it is described as sore and throbbing. The piercing pain can occur in the neck, teeth, jaw or ear. Other symptoms that can manifest include bad breath, difficulty swallowing as well as sensitivity to cold or hot, bad taste in the mouth, difficulty opening the mouth or pain while chewing. If the infection is left untreated, the individual will develop fever, notice swelling in the jaw or neck and feel sick. The pain can start abruptly and becomes intense in just a matter of hours or days.


In some circumstances, when dealing with abscess toothache, the dentist will remove the pulp and nerve from the affected tooth during a root canal procedure. This procedure is effective in stopping the infection as well as saving the tooth. The abscesses that affect the gum line and bone would require drainage. In case an abscess on the gums occurs due to the accumulation of tartar or plaque, the dentist will recommend deep dental cleaning to eliminate these substances. In some cases, antibiotics can be given along with other treatment options to fight the infection. As for the pain, it can be managed with over-the-counter or prescription pain medications.

Considerations to bear in mind

If the individual ignores the abscess toothache, it can lead to life-threatening complications. The possible complications that might occur include bacterial blood infection or tooth loss. Take note that the infection might spread to the soft tissues of the mouth and face or even cause brain abscess, pneumonia and other serious health issues.

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