What are the various types of foot rashes?

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Foot rashes have various underlying causes. Some of the foot rashes only affect the heels or toes while other conditions can affect the upper part or base of the feet. It is important to note that the skin rashes that affect the entire food can be chronic. A doctor must be consulted so that an exact diagnosis can be given if an individual develops foot rashes. If a family member acquired foot rashes, it is important that you know how to handle one. All you have to do is to enroll in a first aid class today.


If an individual develops allergic contact dermatitis, it can cause pale pinkish or red-colored scaly rashes and blisters. The lesions typically have distinct edges that are at right angles or straight. One of the usual causes of allergic contact dermatitis on the feet is sensitivity to chromates which are commonly used components in shoe leather.

The other causes include exposure to soap or dyes, products that contain lanolin, nickel or formaldehyde and even antibacterial cream that contain neomycin. Poison ivy can also trigger dermatitis among those who are sensitive to the plant. The treatment involves the administration of antihistamines as well as topical steroid medications. In some cases, prescription-strength steroids such as prednisone are also given in severe cases.

Foot rashes
If an individual develops allergic contact dermatitis, it can cause pale pinkish or red-colored scaly rashes and blisters.

Chronic rashes

In some cases, the foot rashes can become chronic. Certain medical issues such as psoriasis can trigger skin outbreaks triggered by infection, emotional stress, various medications and injuries to the foot. The usual lesions are red, scale-like rashes with a silver color over the top. These are usually present beneath the toenails. In such cases, topical steroids are commonly used to manage these rashes.

Athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot is a condition triggered by a fungal infection on the foot that is transmitted from humans and animals. Fitness centers and public locker rooms often harbor the foot fungus which is highly transmittable. The red-colored, scaly patches usually manifest in between the toes or on the upper part or base of the feet.

Athlete’s foot can cause the distinctive ring-like rash called as tinea pedis. This condition can be managed with over-the-counter antifungal medications or prescription creams. These creams contain lactic acid or urea that works to liquefy the scale-like rash so that the medications can enter the skin. The topical lotions that contain aluminum chloride can be applied to reduce the swelling.


It is important to note that infections can cause foot rashes. In one type of infection known as scabies, it is a transmittable skin condition caused by mites. The red-colored, patchy rashes can develop all over the body but typically manifest prominently on the feet and hands.

Scabies are quite common in daycare centers, hospitals and even in prisons. Always bear in mind that the immune system is highly sensitive to the Sarcoptes scabiei bug. The rashes of the condition manifest initially as small-sized bites or pimples with scabs on them. There is a thread-like black-colored line close to the rash can indicate where the mites are burrowing. The scabies rashes can be very itchy. The doctor will prescribe medicated lotions that must be applied to the whole body to eliminate any leftover eggs and mites that burrowed in the feet.

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