What are the symptoms of breast milk allergy?

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Breast milk is considered as the ideal gift that mothers can provide to their babies. Breastfeeding increases the bond, ensures optimal nutrition as well as boosting the immune system of the infant. On the other hand, there are cases in which some babies find breast milk undesirable. Take note that these babies are allergic to certain milk proteins or sugars which makes feeding difficult. If the child exhibits any signs of breast milk allergy, it is vital to have the child assessed by a doctor right away to prevent a serious case of malnourishment.

Just like with other types of allergies, it is important to you know how to handle one especially if a family member has an allergy. If you want to learn how to properly manage an allergy, click here.

Gastrointestinal symptoms

The infant might be experiencing a variety of gastrointestinal symptoms if he/she is allergic to breast milk. The child can spit up or vomit milk directly after a feeding session as well as develop colic. There is also possibility that he/she will develop diarrhea that may or may not contain streaks of blood. Some of the symptoms such as vomiting can occur right away but colic and loose stools will take up to a few weeks before they manifest.

Abnormalities with the weight

Breast milk allergy
The baby usually display symptoms that are commonly linked with allergies such as runny nose, coughing and watery eyes.

Always bear in mind that it is normal for the infant to lose minimal weight after he/she is born, but if the weight does not rebound, it can indicate that the baby has breast milk allergy. It is important to note that babies must gain at least 5 ounces every week. In case the infant does not gain weight or starts to lose weight abruptly, it is best to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction

The baby usually display symptoms that are commonly linked with allergies such as runny nose, coughing and watery eyes. It is common for babies who have allergy to formula to develop itchy rash around the mouth. If the allergy of the baby is a serious one, he/she could suffer from anaphylaxis. When it comes to severe anaphylaxis, it is often fatal if not treated right away. The symptoms of anaphylaxis include an abrupt drop in the blood pressure, swelling of the throat and unconsciousness.

Respiratory symptoms

The baby can also exhibit signs of respiratory distress if he/she is allergic to breast milk. Breathing difficulties, wheezing and nasal congestion are indications of milk allergy. The respiratory symptoms just like with the gastrointestinal symptoms can be due to something that has been passed to the baby via breast milk rather than the breast milk itself. In most cases, a doctor will recommend an elimination diet in order to determine the possible allergens that triggered an allergic reaction.


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