What are the common fruit allergies?

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Fruit allergies are triggered once the body releases immunoglobulin E antibodies (IgE) to a certain fruit. This is an immune system reaction that manifests after ingestion of a particular fruit.

Even minimal traces of the food can trigger the signs and symptoms of a reaction such as digestive distress, swollen airways, hives and even anaphylaxis in severe cases. The management for most cases of fruit allergies involves complete avoidance of the fruits and medications such as antihistamines.

Identifying the causes of fruit allergies


An allergic reaction to tomatoes can trigger a tingling sensation in the lips or in the mouth and a reddened or itchy rash. Individuals who are allergic to tomatoes might also be allergic to peppers, tomatoes and eggplants.

Individuals who are allergic to tomatoes might not be able to tolerate the IgE protein present in raw tomatoes but can tolerate the cooked ones.


When it comes to fruit allergies, a reaction to strawberries includes the oral allergy symptoms such as swollen mouth, gums, tongue, throat, palate and interior of the cheeks.

The allergen in strawberries is also similar to the allergen present in the birch pollen. If strawberries are cooked, the allergens are not reduced or eliminated. With this in mind, it is advisable to avoid both raw and cooked strawberries.  Additionally, avoid dried strawberries as well as strawberry jam and candies or any product that contains the fruit.

Fruit allergies
The citrus fruit allergies are considered uncommon and trigger mild symptoms. In most cases, the usual symptoms include mouth ulcers and rashes.

Citrus fruits

The citrus fruit allergies are considered uncommon and trigger mild symptoms. In most cases, the usual symptoms include mouth ulcers and rashes. Individuals who are highly sensitive to citrus fruits must avoid oranges, musk melons, pineapple, plums, limes and lemons. The fruit juices that are made out of these fruits must be avoided as well. In unavoidable scenarios, peeling the skin can also help minimize the risk for developing citrus fruit allergies.

Kiwi fruit

Just like strawberries, kiwi fruit have similar allergens to the birch pollen. Among adults, the symptoms of kiwi allergy are considered mild but it can be severe among children. Individuals who are allergic to kiwi must avoid eating the fruit raw as well as the juice.


Fruit allergies specifically to bananas are considered uncommon. Some individuals might be experiencing intolerance to the proteins present in bananas, not an allergic reaction. Individuals who are sensitive to bananas might be highly sensitive to the avocado and kiwi due to the presence of the protein chitinase.

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