What are the causes of fresh blood in stool?

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The presence of fresh blood in stool can be caused by bleeding in the digestive tract. Once the blood is fresh, it is typically triggered by bleeding from the rectum or from the inferior part of the colon since the blood from a higher source in the gastrointestinal tract is usually clotted. The moment fresh blood in stool occurs; it can vary from bright red and dark in color such as maroon. New blood in stool can manifest in the stool or can be seen in the toilet paper used by the individual. Additionally, trivial amounts of blood that are not apparent to the naked eye can be detected via a specialized test called as fecal occult blood test which is carried out by a doctor.


One of the reasons why the appearance of fresh blood in stool is alarming since it can indicate cancer. The two types of cancer such as colon and anal can lead to fresh blood in stool. It is important to note that cancer often causes bleeding since the cancerous cells grow out of control, thus leading to the development of small-sized ulcers or thinning out of the lining of the colon or anus.

Another cause of fresh blood in stool is the removal of small-sized growths in the colon known as polyps. It is supposed that colon cancer occurs due to polyps. In case a polyp develops in the colon, the doctor will often decide to remove it in order to prevent cancer from developing. Once the colon recovers from surgery, the blood can appear in the stool.

Fresh blood in stool
The other causes of bleeding include the rupture of the large intestine or the inflammation of the large intestine which can be due to bacteria, parasite or issues with the immune system.

Other possible causes of fresh blood in stool

There are various causes for fecal blood aside from cancer. Another prevalent cause is the formation of bulging pouches of the gastrointestinal tract. This manifests once the intestinal wall become feeble and some regions of the underlying tissue will start to balloon out. These bulging pouches can lead to the formation of hemorrhoids, Menkel’s diverticulum and diverticulosis. Take note that these bulging pouches can cause the wall of the intestines to become thin and easily ruptures.

The other causes of bleeding include the rupture of the large intestine or the inflammation of the large intestine which can be due to bacteria, parasite or issues with the immune system. The rectal bleeding can also be triggered by a condition called as angiodysplasia in which the blood vessels close to the surface of the intestines start to swell and eventually rupture.

The presence of fresh blood in stool can indicate an underlying health issue that would require medical care. It is best to schedule an appointment with a doctor so that proper diagnosis can be made so that appropriate treatment options can be started. If you want to learn how to properly manage gastrointestinal conditions, click here.

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