What are the symptoms of a hobo spider bite?

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The hobo spider is considered as a funnel-web spider that typically lives inside or outside houses. A bite from a hobo spider is mildly poisonous and can often lead to a condition known as tegenarianism. Even though some of the bites of this spider are dry or no venom is injected, other bites would require attention.  Always take note that venomous bites can eventually lead to the development of common symptoms and might require proper identification and treatment by a healthcare professional.

What is a hobo spider?

The hobo spider is usually confused with other types of spiders. The female can reach between 11-14mm in length. It has brown-colored legs and has no markings. The female spiders have a slightly bigger abdomen than the males. As for the males, they have a swollen appendage that appears scary, but it is only its reproductive organs.

Hobo spiders depend on the construction of their web to capture insects. Their webs are funnel in shape, thus allowing the spiders to stay hidden in the narrow end until a prey is present.

Localized symptoms

The common symptoms of a hobo spider bite include the presence of bite marks, redness around the bite site and possibly pain but most bites are painless. In some cases, multiple marks are present which occurs if the spider was trapped against the skin by clothing. In a matter of hours, a small-sized hardened area can develop.

The area is quite similar to the appearance of a mosquito bite. Take note that this can eventually lead to the appearance of a bulls-eye surrounding the bite site. As for the blistering, it can occur within 24-48 hours. Additionally, sore ulcers can develop from the rupturing of the blisters and scabbing can likely occur.

What are the systemic symptoms of a hobo spider bite?

Hobo spider bite
A severe headache is quite common for those who sustained a hobo spider bite.

A severe headache is quite common for those who sustained a hobo spider bite. Always bear in mind that these headaches do not often respond to over-the-counter treatment options. In some cases, dry mouth, weakness and lethargy can set in as well.

Other systemic symptoms of a hobo spider bite include visual impairment, dizziness and hallucinations. Diarrhea and vomiting can also occur as the body tries to eliminate the poisonous venom from the body. This venom can even lead to joint pain and bone marrow failure in severe cases.

Important considerations to bear in mind

If you suspect that an individual has been bitten by a hobo spider, you have to catch the spider if possible and bring it to the hospital for identification purposes. Take note that the gender of the spider whether male or female can help determine the severity of the reaction to the bite. Based on studies conducted, a male hobo spider can trigger severe effects in the body. It is important that any bite from this spider must be reported to a healthcare professional right away for proper identification and treatment. This will help improve the chances of a good outcome.

With proper first aid care and treatment that has been provided early, it can help prevent further complications from occurring. A hobo spider bite must be assessed by a healthcare professional.

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