Warning indications of serious sports injuries

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Most sports injuries that require care have some common warning indications and symptoms that you should be familiar with. The acute sports injuries are often apparent and can occur in a dramatic manner. On the other hand, some injuries can slowly creep up and become progressively worse. These sports injuries often progress into badgering lingering aches. If the individual will pay close consideration to the warning indications of both types of sports injuries, faster healing can be promoted as well as prevent severe damage or long-term issues.

Warning signs of sports injuries to watch out for

Joint pain

It is important to note that joint pain particularly in the joints of the ankle, knee, wrist and elbow must not be ignored. Since these joints are not covered or protected by muscle, pain is rarely of muscular in origin. Once joint pain persists more than 48 hours, it is best to consult a doctor.


Almost all sports injuries can cause swelling. The swelling is typically evident and can be seen, but in some cases, the individual will only feel as though something is swelling even if it appears normal.

It is important to note that joint pain particularly in the joints of the ankle, knee, wrist and elbow must not be ignored.

The swelling usually goes hand-in-hand with pain, warmth and redness. The swelling inside a joint often causes stiffness, pain and a clicking sound as the tendons snap over one another after being pushed into a different position due to the swelling.

Tenderness at a specific area

If you can trigger pain at a specific area in a bone, joint or muscle by pressing your finger over it, the individual might have a serious sports injury. In case the same area on the other side of the body does not produce the same pain, it is best to consult a doctor.

Diminished range of motion

In case swelling is not evident, you have to check for diminished range of motion in a joint. If there is evident swelling inside a joint, there is loss of range of motion in which the limb will only go so far in each direction. In addition, you have to compare one side of the body with the other to determine any major differences. If there are any, it is likely that the individual has an injury that requires attention.

Numbness and tingling

Numbness or tingling is considered sensations that are often linked to nerve compression. These are warning signs of serious sports injuries that must be assessed by a doctor.

Comparative weakness

The comparison of one side of the body to the other for weakness can be a difficult task but useful during the assessment. Remember that a difference in the ability to support the weight is an indication that the injury requires attention.

Management of sports injuries

The first step is to instruct the individual to stop the activity and start treatment right away. The initial treatment for any acute injury is to reduce the swelling by using the RICE method.

As for severe sports injuries, it is best to consult a doctor right away from proper assessment and treatment of the injury.

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