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Vertigo is a form of dizziness that can persist for a brief period or last for hours or even days. Individuals who have vertigo have a deceiving sensation that the surroundings are spinning. This can be accompanied by nausea and balance loss. Remember that vertigo is a symptom and in most cases, there is a medical condition responsible. Nevertheless, the cause is oftentimes unknown.

The usual cause of vertigo is an issue in the inner part of the ear such as inflammation or infection. When moving the head, the interior part of the ear shows us where the head is. This is done by transmitting signals to the brain and helps maintain balance. If there are issues with the inner part of the ear, this causes dizziness and feeling sick.

The usual cause of vertigo is an issue in the inner part of the ear such as inflammation or infection.

Other conditions that affect the inner ear and trigger vertigo include Meniere’s disease, ear toxicity due to certain medications and motion sickness. The usual cause among the elderly is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.

Medications for vertigo

Various medications are usually prescribed to manage the symptoms of vertigo such as antihistamines or prochlorperazine. These medications are the same ones that are utilized to manage nausea and motion sickness. These medications work by blocking certain chemicals in the brain.

It is important to note that prochlorperazine works by blocking the chemical dopamine which works if there is significant sickness.

Antihistamines work by blocking histamine which alleviates minor sickness and vomiting as well as vertigo.

Remember that these medications are available in various brand names and as capsules, tablets, injections or liquids. Some are available as tablets that are dissolved between the upper gum and lip.

Length of treatment

The medications to manage the condition are usually used for a brief period, usually from 3-14 days. If an individual experiences vertigo frequently, the doctor might prescribe a short supply of these medications to be used at home if another attack occurs.

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