Treatment options for facial sunburn

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Sunburn is considered as a common skin reaction to extended exposure to the sun. If there are blisters or other signs of a second degree burn, sunburn can easily heal on its own after a few days. If the individual experiences severe pain, severe swelling or the formation of blisters, it is best to consult a doctor for proper assessment so that the right treatment can be provided as soon as possible. By enrolling in a first aid class today, you can easily manage this skin condition.

Those who love to spend a lot of time in the beach should take the necessary measures to protect the skin from sunburn. Even while working under the sun such in the garden would require proper protection. In severe cases, it can cause a lot of discomfort especially among young children.

Applying compresses

The main objective when treating facial sunburn is to cool down the skin. All you have to do is to fill a large bowl with cool water. Instruct the individual to close his/her eyes and hold his/her breath when the face is immersed in the water. Hold for a few seconds to cool the face.

Facial sunburn
The main objective when treating facial sunburn is to cool down the skin.

If there is no access to a large-sized bowl or find the process uncomfortable, you can use a soft towel that is soaked with cool water and pat softly on the face. Combine two equal parts of water and milk since this can help or just add Burow’s solution that is available in pharmacies.

Application of moisturizers

Once the initial heat from the sunburn is eased, you have to keep the skin properly moisturized to help it heal. In case the facial sunburn is starting to peel, softly scrub it using a cotton cloth that is soaked in cool water.

Another option is to use a facial scrub but make sure that you will use one that is not too coarse so that it will not aggravate the burning feeling. After washing and rubbing the affected skin, you have to put on a gentle facial cream or simply unadulterated aloe vera gel. When using a garden-fresh leaf of aloe vera, all you have to do is to slice it open and directly rub on the facial sunburn.

Natural remedies

Facial sunburn can be treated with options that are readily available in the kitchen. You have to create a paste made out of a puree of tomato and cucumber that is mixed with lemon juice and then apply on the burned skin. Take note that this is useful if the skin feels hot and sensitive. Avoid applying in the eye area since the lemon can cause burning if it enters the eyes. Additionally, yogurt is also good for facial sunburn and works even better if combined with rosewater.


Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen can be given to help minimize the swelling, inflammation and pain right after sustaining the facial sunburn. You have to consult a doctor first to check if these medications can help.

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