Treatment options for cardiomegaly

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Cardiomegaly is basically an enlarged heart and an indicative symptom of cardiomyopathy. It is important to note that cardiomegaly develops due to various causes and one of the common factors is a poorly controlled high blood pressure.

There are three forms of cardiomegaly with each resulting to an enlarged heart –restrictive, dilated and hypertrophic. The treatment for cardiomegaly will depend on the type of cardiomegaly affecting the individual as well as the underlying disease process.

Controlling the blood pressure

High blood pressure will increase the workload and strain on the heart and other organs such as the kidneys. The treatment for cardiomegaly typically includes controlling the blood pressure with the help of medications such as angiotensin-receptor blockers and angio-converting enzymes. In most cases, the doctor will prescribe these medications to stabilize the blood pressure and improve the flow of blood to the heart muscles and kidneys. If you want to learn ways to control the blood pressure, click here.

High blood pressure will increase the workload and strain on the heart and other organs such as the kidneys.

Fluid control

It is important to note that each type of cardiomyopathy disrupts the heart from pumping optimally. Once the heart fails, the individual will experience fluid overload. The frequent use of diuretics can eliminate excess fluid from the cardiovascular system. Take note that controlling the fluid volume can help maintain a stable blood pressure as well as relieves symptoms of fatigue, shortness of breath and cough caused by cardiomegaly.

Strengthening of the heart

Always bear in mind that cardiomegaly deteriorates the heart muscles and diminishes the pumping ability to the entire body. The management for cardiomegaly includes beta blockers as well as cardioglycosides to reinforce the pumping ability of the heart. An elevated heart rate is another symptom of cardiomegaly. Beta blockers and cardioglycosides such as digoxin are prescribed to reduce the heart rate. This will allow the heart to fill with blood efficiently along with a stronger pumping action to improve the cardiac output.

Cardiac resynchronization

Once medications are not enough to control the symptoms, a pacemaker is inserted to help synchronize the beating action of the heart. A pacemaker produces electrical impulses in both ventricles to allow the heart to fill with blood as well as pump optimally.

Heart pump

A heart pump is implanted surgically and takes over the work of the ventricles. Take note that this treatment for cardiomegaly is only suitable for those who are very sick and waiting for heart transplant.

Heart valve repair

If the reason for cardiomegaly is a dysfunctional heart valve, the affected valve might be repaired surgically or completely replaced. Individuals might receive a biologic or mechanic heart valve.

Heart transplant

The last treatment option for cardiomegaly is a heart transplant. It is important to note that the wait for a heart transplant can be long due to the shortage of donors. The individual will receive supportive care and management of the symptoms until a donor heart becomes available.

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