The symptoms of ink poisoning

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If you have experienced being exposed to ink from a pen that accidentally leaked, it is not usually a cause for concern. There are also cases in which ink is even accidentally put into the mouth. Even though ink is not considered as a poisonous substance, normal use will not cause ink poisoning. Only irritation has a high chance to likely occur than poisoning. If ink is ingested accidentally, it is the most common method of ink poisoning. Take note that ink is relatively safe and a small amount of ink that is taken by mouth could not trigger the symptoms of poisoning. Cases of poisoning typically occur if large amounts of ink are ingested but it is not usually fatal in most cases.

Irritation of the eye, skin and mucous membranes

Once ink comes in contact with the eyes or skin, it can lead to a burning sensation, irritation and itching. The suitable treatment if ink gets into the eyes or on the skin is to rinse with cool water. You can use a generous amount of water and continue to rinse the eyes or skin until the ink is completely removed. Take note that the ink can temporarily stain the white part of the eye, skin or mucous membranes. It is unlikely for the ink to cause long-term or permanent complications. You can consult a doctor if the individual is suffering from blurry vision or irritation persists even after rinsing.

ink poisoning
Ink that comes in contact with the eyes can lead to irritation.

Ingestion of ink used in writing

Ink poisoning is mainly caused by ingestion. Take note that large amounts of ink must be ingested before treatment is required. If a large amount of ink is ingested, it is best to call for emergency assistance or the local poison control center for advice. Avoid inducing vomiting unless advised by a healthcare professional.

Although ink poisoning is likely to occur when ingested in substantial amounts, the diagnosis is usually good. The symptoms of ink poisoning due to ingestion include staining of the tissues within the mouth and nausea.

Tattoo ink and permanent makeup

When it comes to the use of permanent makeup and tattoo ink, the safety concern is complicated due to the variety of inks being used. There are some inks that contain pigments that are permitted for cosmetic use in topical cosmetics. Nevertheless, some permanent ink and tattoo ink contains industrial and automotive ink paints that are not considered safe.

Studies are still conducted to determine the possible adverse reactions linked with the use of injected inks. The solution is to ask a cosmetologist or tattoo artist regarding the ingredients in the ink that will be injected into your skin. Inks that are comprised of pigments that were accepted for topical use are considered safer than those that are comprised of industrial and automotive paints.
Just make sure that once ink has come in contact with your eyes, skin or mucous membranes, always rinse it with running water until the ink is completely removed.

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