Taping technique for MCL sprain while skiing

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A MCL sprain is quite common among freestyle skiers who engage in aerial tricks. The high-impact landings place significant strain on the medial collateral ligaments (MCL) which are situated on the interior side of the knee joints.

A sprain can weaken the ligament and increases the risk for an MCL tear. Even though it is not recommended to ski with an injury, the individual can utilize a specialized taping technique to maintain the stability of the knees during turns and maneuvers.


It is recommended to shave the leg starting from the thigh up to the base of the calf muscle before the taping is started. You have to apply a layer of foam under wrap to protect the leg from the painful hair removal process during the tape removal process. The best way to ensure that the foam under wrap stays in place is to coat a skin adhesive spray on the leg. Place the elastic under wrap starting at the base of the calf muscles up to the upper part of the thigh.

The right kind of tape will ensure that the MCL sprain is properly stabilized throughout the day while skiing. The initial steps in the taping process are to use an elastic adhesive tape that has a width of 2-3 inches.

MCL sprain
A sprain can weaken the ligament and increases the risk for an MCL tear.

Knee position and anchor strips

The initial step of the taping process usually involves the application of 2 anchor strips above the knee and 2 anchor strips below the knee. You have to wrap 2 pieces of 2-3 inch elastic tape around the central region of the calf muscle in a horizontal manner.

This process should be repeated at the base of the thigh to complete the first step. Just make sure that the tape is not in direct contact with the skin. The individual should bend the leg slightly and turn the toes inward to start the final steps of the taping process.

Taping a MCL sprain

All you have to do is cut a piece of 1.5 inch elastic tap at 8-10 inches long. Apply the tape starting on the exterior edge of the lower anchor strips. You have to stretch the tape transversely at the interior edge of the knee and affix it to the interior perimeter of the higher anchor strips.

Place the other piece of identical tape from the interior edge of the lower anchor to the exterior perimeter of the upper anchor. Take note that these strips of tape must form an X-shaped design over the MCL. Make sure to cover the crisscrossed pieces of tape using a strip of non-stretch tape. Do not forget to reinforce the anchor strips using an extra piece of 2-3 inch elastic adhesive tape.

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