Strep throat

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Most cases of sore throats are usually harmless inflammation involving the pharynx. Majority are triggered by viral infections and left untreated to run their full course. When it comes to strep throat, it is a bacterial infection triggered by the streptococcal bacterium. This is relatively minor but can progress to a severe infection. It is vital to consult a doctor to undergo testing to determine if it is truly strep throat.

What are the indications of strep throat?

The signs and symptoms of strep throat are quite similar to various conditions. In case strep throat is suspected, a doctor should be consulted. The usual indications include the following:

The symptoms of strep throat include fever, headache and sore throat.
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Appetite loss
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headache
  • Reddened throat
  • Rash
  • Swollen or tender lymph nodes in the neck
  • Breath with foul odor

Just bear in mind that not all signs and symptoms should be present for the doctor to diagnose strep throat. Any of these symptoms can cause discomfort especially among children. This is why consulting a doctor is the next best step.

Antibiotics used for strep throat

Since the overuse of antibiotics has been recognized as one of the causes of bacteria that are drug-resistant, doctors are more likely to allow minor infections settle without antibiotic treatment.

Strep throat is considered as an exception. This condition requires treatment using antibiotics in order to stop the infection before it spreads or progresses to a severe condition. Once antibiotics are taken, it is vital to complete a full course of antibiotics. If the individual stops before the infection is fully cured, it can lead to a severe infection that is more difficult to treat.

How strep throat spreads

It is important to note that strep throat is capable of spreading via contact with mucus from the throat and nose of infected individuals.

Most individuals with the condition are only contagious while they have the symptoms. Remember that strep throat readily spreads among children in daycare settings or schools. The treatment with antibiotics for 24 hours drastically reduces the ability of the disease to spread. It is vital that the individual will complete a full course of antibiotic treatment.

Possible complications of strep throat

Always bear in mind that strep throat can progress to various and severe infections. Some of the related streptococcal infections usually include impetigo as well as necrotizing fasciitis. Remember that these conditions are considered rare.

Treatment of strep throat

The treatment of strep throat involves the use of antibiotics. It is vital to consult a doctor if strep throat is suspected. The throat discomfort can be reduced by using NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) such as naproxen sodium and ibuprofen. Take note that NSAIDs and acetaminophen can be both utilized to manage fever. In addition, gargle using salt water several times on a daily basis can also help manage the swelling and pain.


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