Stomach flu: How long must I stay home?

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The stomach flu can make any individual miserable due to the diarrhea and vomiting. If fever, weakness and nausea are present as well, it can make the condition even more unbearable.

Most do not even consider leaving the house if the stomach flu strikes. In most circumstances, the condition starts with repeated episodes of vomiting and it can be difficult to go anywhere when one can hardly stay out of the bathroom. Oftentimes, the symptoms can persist and many wonder how long one has to stay home to prevent its spread to others.

How long should I stay home if I have stomach flu?

Generally, an individual has to stay home for 24 hours after the symptoms of the condition subside such as diarrhea and vomiting as well as the fever.

In case a child still has fever, he/she is still contagious and likely to spread the condition to others. Remember that even without fever, the stomach flu is highly contagious and readily spreads from one individual to another if the symptoms are still present.

Some parents might be tempted to send the child to school if the vomiting or diarrhea has already vanished, but it is best to wait 24 hours after the last episode since the symptoms might recur. If the individual has no symptoms for an entire day and night, the condition is less likely to start again.

Stomach flu
Generally, an individual has to stay home for 24 hours after the symptoms of the condition subside such as diarrhea and vomiting as well as the fever.

How to recovery rapidly

When dealing with the stomach flu, there are steps to consider to put a stop to the symptoms. Many individuals unknowingly extend the condition and the symptoms since they are incorrectly managed.

The proper management of the symptoms of the stomach flu is vital for fast recovery. Once the individual is free from any symptoms for 24 hours, he/she can return to work or school.

Contagious phase

The exact time frame an individual is contagious with the stomach flu depends on the virus responsible. The most common causes include the rotavirus and norovirus that can spread for up to 2 weeks after the individual has already recovered. Take note that they are still contagious even before the symptoms manifest, thus it can be hard to avoid spreading it to others.

It is vital to regularly wash hands especially after using the bathroom, before and after eating and changing diapers to effectively reduce the risk for acquiring or spreading the virus.

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