Signs and symptoms: Insect bites and stings

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When it comes to insect bites and stings, they often cause a small-sized lump to form that can be very itchy. The lump might have an engorged area surrounding it that can be filled with fluid which is called a wheal.

Insect bites and stings typically subside within several hours and can be safely managed at home. Depending on the type of insect that delivered a bite or sting, it is important that you are familiar with the differences.


The flea bites are usually grouped in clusters or lines. Those who are highly sensitive can end up with papular urticaria where several itchy red lumps form.

The fleas from dogs and cats can often bite below the knee, usually around the ankles. Flea bites might also be present on the forearms if a pet has been stroked or held.

Mosquitoes, midges and gnats

The bites from mosquitoes, midges and gnats often result to small papules to form on the skin that can be very itchy. If the individual is highly sensitive to the insect bites and stings, it can lead to the development of bullae and wheals. Take note that mosquitoes in some countries can cause malaria.


Insect bites and stings
The bites from mosquitoes, midges and gnats often result to small papules to form on the skin that can be very itchy.

A bite from a horsefly can be quite painful as well as the wheal formation surrounding the bite site. Other symptoms that can occur include dizziness, urticaria, weakness, wheezing and angioedema.

Always bear in mind that horseflies slice the skin when they bite. Due to this, the bites take a longer time to fully heal and there is always the risk for infection.


Bedbug bites are not painful and for those who have not been bitten before, he/she might have no symptoms. In case the individual has been bitten before, he/she can develop irritating lumps or wheals. Most of the bites are found on the arms, hands, neck and face.


The tick bites are not usually painful and oftentimes only cause a reddened lump to develop at the bite site. In some cases though, a bite can cause itchiness, swelling, bruising and even blistering.

Ticks are known to carry a bacterial infection specifically Lyme disease that can be serious if not detected and treated early.


The bites from mites can cause itchy lumps to develop on the skin that can also lead to blister formation. In case the mites came from pets, they can bite on the abdomen and thigh. Otherwise, the mites can bite any skin that is exposed.


Spider bites leave behind a small-sized puncture marks on the skin that can be sore and can cause swelling and redness. In severe cases, a bite from a spider can cause vomiting, nausea, dizziness and sweating.


When a bee stings, the venomous sac is left behind in the wound. This must be removed right away by scraping it using a card. Avoid pinching the stinger out using your fingers or tweezers since this will only inject more venom.

Hornets and wasps

The sting from a wasp or hornet can cause piercing pain in the area that can last for a few seconds. In most cases, a swollen reddened mark forms on the skin that can be painful and itchy.

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