Ripple effect in a rear-end collision

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Vehicular accidents tend to occur when you least expect it even if you observe all the safety measures while driving down the road. Rear-end collisions are quite common and can cause pain. This type of collision can damage your vehicle as well as result to several injuries. Having a first aid kit in your vehicle is useful in case you have to assist an individual involved in an accident.


What the vehicle undergoes during a vehicular accident is subject exclusively on the class of the vehicle as well as the speed. In an intersection, if the vehicle is pushed to the opposite side of the collision point, the driver is under a complete turmoil. As for a front-end collision, it depends on the speed on the vehicle. Both vehicles both slam at each other at the same time. Always remember that no matter what type of accident you are involved in, a certain momentum is transferred from the vehicle going faster to the vehicle that is hit and this makes rear-end collisions dangerous.

Effects of accidents on the body

rear-end collision
Rear-end collisions are quite common and can cause pain. This type of collision can damage your vehicle as well as result to several injuries.

During a rear-end collision, the driver responsible for the accident will likely sustain less injury than the other driver. The driver who is responsible for the accident will likely apply the brakes right before impact where their body is already in a forward motion as the vehicle leans forward due to the heavy braking. In some cases, if you are the unsuspecting driver at the intersection during the collision, your body and head are suddenly tossed back into the seat which is strikingly comparable to what occurs during heavy acceleration.

As a natural reaction, your will step on the brakes and the body will propel headfirst instead of backward, resulting to the whiplash effect.

Effects on the vehicle

In a light rear-end collision; the damage to the vehicle can be devastating. The vehicle can be repaired, but these repairs can degrade the overall safety of the vehicle.

The car manufacturers create the frames of vehicles in order to absorb impact and crumble at certain parts. Even though repairs can restore misaligned frames, these frames are no longer stronger unlike before. A rear-end collision affects the entire vehicle and can result to structural damage on the parts that might be overlooked during safety inspections.

What is the ripple effect?

The ripple effect during vehicular accidents is basically the shock wave that transfers through the structure of the vehicle. Take note that the ripple effect can actually change the exact location of the body mounts on full frame vehicles as well as the chassis connections.

Some vehicles that were repaired and eventually given clearance to be used after sustaining a rear-end collision will likely show minimal tweaking to the framing that can affect the alignments of the wheels and the center of gravity. The sensors responsible for the deployment of the air bags are situated on the frame points. If the frame is not restored properly and there is minor misalignment, the air bags will not deploy in case of an accident.

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