Preventive measures for chickenpox

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If a child acquires chickenpox, parents should inform the school of the condition and keep him/her at home for about 5 days. As for adults, it is recommended to stay at home until the infectious stage has passed which is until the last blister burst or crusted over. This typically occurs 5-6 days after the rash starts.

Once an individual has this condition, it is also vital to avoid contact with newborn infants, pregnant women and those who have a weakened immune system particularly those under chemotherapy or using steroid tablets.

Always bear in mind that chickenpox can easily spread to others via contact. Due to the communicable nature of the disease, it is vital to be familiar with the preventive measures to limit or prevent the spread to others.

Air travel

A child or adult with chickenpox might not be allowed to travel by plane until 6 days after the last spot has appeared. The child or adult should be safe to travel once past the infectious phase and all the blisters have crusted over. Nevertheless, it is best to check the policy of the airline first.

Always bear in mind that chickenpox can easily spread to others via contact.

How to stop the spread of the virus

It is important to note that chickenpox can oftentimes spread via contact or exposure to objects that have been contaminated by the virus such as bedding, toys or clothing. If a family member has chickenpox, you can prevent the spread of the virus by wiping any surfaces or objects using a sterilizing solution and ensure that any infected bedding or clothing is washed on a regular basis.


The chickenpox vaccine is utilized to provide protection to individuals who face a high risk for serious infection or passing the infection to those who are at risk. Individuals who might be considered for vaccination include the following:

  • Healthcare workers who are not yet immune such as those who have not acquired chickenpox before.
  • Individuals who are living with family members who have weakened immune systems.

Take note that the chickenpox vaccine is not ideal for pregnant women. It is vital to avoid getting pregnant for 3 months after receiving the vaccine. In addition, it is not suitable for individuals who have weakened immune systems.

Effectiveness of the chickenpox vaccine

The recommended 2 doses of the vaccine is estimated to provide 98% protection against chickenpox in children while 75% protection for teenagers and adults.

Just remember though that it might be possible to develop the infection if the vaccination was given.

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