Potential complications of back pain

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Many individuals have experienced back pain at some point in their lives. In most cases, the pain can be minimal that the individual can easily ignore and continue with his/her activities but in some cases, the pain can be severe that it disrupts with activities at home or at work.

It is important to note that back pain can originate from injury or damage to the vertebral bones, discs, muscles, ligaments and nerves of the spine and back. In most cases, the pain can be mild, sharp, dull ache, stabbing or shooting. In some circumstances, severe or chronic back pain can lead to complications.


Back pain is considered as the most common cause of absences at work due to the disability it brings which has been a source of costly health care expenses.

Back pain is considered as the most common cause of absences at work due to the disability it brings which has been a source of costly health care expenses. This is the usual reason for disability among working adults resulting to sick leave. It is important to note that this is due to the fact that back pain limits mobility and range of motion needed for bending, standing and sitting.

Depending on the exact cause for back pain, it is best to schedule an appointment with a doctor if the pain persists for a few days or has the tendency to recur. It might indicate an underlying condition that requires proper treatment.

Nerve damage

In case the back pain was caused by a herniated or slipped disc, this can compress, irritate and damage the spinal nerve as it goes through the nerve canal in between the vertebrae. This can result to various complications such as numbness and weakness in the leg along with severe shooting pain that travels from the rear of the leg at one side of the body due to sciatica. Remember that this can occur once the sciatic nerve is damaged or compressed resulting to symptoms in the leg. In severe cases, the nerve damage can also trigger issues in the bladder and bowel or even the intestinal functions.

Weight gain

Always bear in mind that back pain can cause loss of participation in various activities whether at or work and limits movement that can lead to an increase in the weight and even obesity. The muscles might also become feebler since it stayed in a single position for extended periods while the body posture can get worse due to the weakness of the muscle and ligament which brings about the accumulation of body fat.


Long-lasting back pain or one that persists for more than a few days can be debilitating. It can disrupt with sleep, eating patterns and other undertakings such as socializing and recreational activities. It is important to note that this loss of mobility can result in anxiety, emotional distress and depression. The depression can become severe and disrupt with the recovery time as the individual lacks motivation and energy to exercise and engage in other activities. The prolonged-use of medications for back pain can also result to dependency and addiction.

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