Osteitis pubis

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Osteitis pubis causes groin pain that originates from the pubic bones at the front part of the pelvis.

The symptoms of osteitis pubis involve pain in the pelvis or groin when running, squatting or performing sit-ups. The pain can gradually develop and often be mistaken for a groin strain or muscle strain. In severe cases, the individual can start to walk with a waddling gait. When an X-ray is performed, it will reveal an irregular pubic symphysis which is the joint amidst the two pubic bones at the front part of the pelvis. Remember that there might be signs of bone inflammation and thickening.

Overview on osteitis pubis

When it comes to osteitis pubis, it was previously considered as an inflammation of the joint where the pubic bones meet at the front area. This is no longer considered since there is no inflammation present in further investigations. Due to this, the condition refers to the inflammation that is accurately called as pubic bone stress injury.

Remember that the pain can radiate around the groin but will be significant at the area in the middle of the groin at the front area. This is typically caused by overuse or can occur as a result of direct impact. Osteitis pubis is an uncommon condition and oftentimes utilized as an umbrella term for long-standing groin pain. This condition is quite common in certain sports such as hockey and soccer as well as during pregnancy.

Osteitis pubis
Remember that the pain can radiate around the groin but will be significant at the area in the middle of the groin at the front area.

Treatment of osteitis pubis

The doctor will confirm a diagnosis in order to rule out a hernia. It is important to note that rest is the only form of treatment for his groin injury. In most circumstances, the individual should rest for only a few days but severe cases might need up to 3 months of complete rest. A sports injury professional can provide the ideal rehabilitation plan. To learn to recognize the symptoms of osteitis pubis, sign up for a first aid class today.

The doctor will prescribe an anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen. It is vital to consult a doctor before any medication is taken. A period of rest is usually advised depending on the severity of the injury and start a rehabilitation program. In some cases, a corticosteroid injection is also administered.

Rehabilitation of pubic bone stress injury

  • The early stages entail rest and cold therapy. Anti-inflammatory medications and ultrasound might also be prescribed by the doctor.
  • The middle stages involve adductor stretching as long as it will not cause any pain. This must be held for about 30 seconds and repeat 5 times in a day.
  • Late stages would require stomach crunches as long as pain is not triggered. Other exercises include dorsal raises, adductor exercises, abductor exercises and hip flexor exercises.

The individual should gradually perform sports specific training. If in doubt, it is best to get advice from a sports injury professional since osteitis pubis might take up to months in order to recover oftentimes.

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