Minor head injury

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A minor head injury can occur among individuals of all ages and rarely result to any lasting brain damage. In case a child sustained a bump, knock or blow to the head, you have to comfort the child and ensure that he/she gets enough rest. You can place a cold compress on the head.


The indications of a minor head injury are mild and brief which includes the following:

  • Mild headache
  • Minor dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Minimal blurring of vision

If the symptoms seem to worsen gradually, bring the child to the nearest healthcare facility or call for emergency assistance.

The signs and symptoms of a possible brain damage after a head injury can include the following:

  • Seizures
    Minor head injury
    During the initial 24 hours after the injury, it is vital to stay with the individual to monitor for any new symptoms that might develop.
  • Unconsciousness – either brief or a longer time frame
  • Repeated episodes of vomiting
  • Problems with the senses
  • Drainage of blood or clear fluid from the nose or ear
  • Memory loss

If any of these are present after a head injury, bring the child to the nearest healthcare facility or call for an ambulance.


In most cases of minor head injury, an individual is allowed to go home shortly after and recover within a few days.

During the initial 24 hours after the injury, it is vital to stay with the individual to monitor for any new symptoms that might develop. The individual should get enough rest, avoid any stressful situations and contact sports until completely recovered.

For mild headaches, it can be relieved using pain medications such as paracetamol but carefully check the packaging instructions to ensure that the right dosage is used. Children below the age of 16 should not be given aspirin.

Preventive measures

It is hard to foresee or avoid an injury, but there are measures that must be observed to minimize the risk for serious injuries such as the following:

  • Ensure that the house is child-proof.
  • Always use a safety helmet while cycling.
  • Minimize any hazards in the house that might cause falls.
  • Use the appropriate safety gear or equipment for work, hobbies or sports.

Disclaimer / More Information

The information posted on this page on a minor head injury is for learning and educational purposes only. To learn to manage head injuries including a minor one, register for first aid training at one of our training centers located throughout Canada. The training centers are located in Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, Kelowna, Surrey, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa and Halifax.


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The information posted on this page is for educational purposes only.
If you need medical advice or help with a diagnosis contact a medical professional