Malt allergy

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Some individuals claim to suffer from allergy symptoms after consuming beer. Primarily, this was believed to be an allergic reaction to wheat. Nevertheless, some of these individuals did not experience allergy symptoms after eating bread. This leads to the conclusion that the allergic reaction can be triggered by the reaction of the body to malt.

Many individuals are not certain what actually triggers their allergy to malt and which foods should be avoided. If malt allergy is suspected, it is vital that you are familiar with the symptoms, causes and proper management.

What is malt?

Malt is not considered as a natural food product. It is actually a product of the process called malting. The malting process typically involves the fermentation of grains such as barley. It is the malt that enhances the flavor of grain products.

Allergens can develop during the processing of malt as the grains generate enzymes required to transform the starches from the grain into sugar. After a thorough process, the malted grain can be utilized to create the following products:

Malt allergy
Antihistamines can be used to help relieve symptoms including wheezing or runny nose.
  • Malt whisky
  • Malted beer
  • Cereals
  • Bread
  • Food sauces
  • Chocolate products
  • Other beverages

If an individual suspects that he/she is allergic to malt, it is vital to avoid these products. Some individuals suffer from the symptoms after the intake of any product that contains malted grains. In some, there are specific kinds of symptoms for particular beverages or foods.

Always bear in mind that the products contain a combination of malted grains and wheat, yeast as well as other allergens. In reality, the doctor will suggest that when the individual is allergic to malted drinks, he/she is most likely to develop allergy to barley, wheat and oats. This is why it is difficult to distinguish whether or not the reactions are triggered by malt or by these ingredients.

Allergy testing for malt allergy

Unlike with other food allergies, the testing for malt allergy entails a different and more extensive exam. A skin patch test is not an option, thus a blood test is required which is called an IgE blood test. Remember that undergoing testing is required since not all symptoms are evident. Some might be inconspicuous but can develop into a dangerous complication. It is vital to determine which allergen is responsible for causing the reaction to beverages in order to take the necessary measures and proper medications.

Management of malt allergy

The usual symptoms of malt allergy include rhinitis, skin itchiness and abdominal discomfort. In such circumstances, topical ointments can be applied over the skin rashes or reddened areas of the skin. Antihistamines can be used to help relieve symptoms including wheezing or runny nose. As for the abdominal discomfort, there are measures that you can do:

  • Eat high-fiber foods that helps wash away wastes in the intestines to eliminate the allergen.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to flush the system. Take note that the symptoms might not subside unless the allergen is completely flushed out of the body.
  • Probiotics are recommended since the good bacteria facilitate better digestion.
  • The individual should include yogurt, miso or sauerkraut. These are free from allergens while ideal for the proper movement of the digestive system.

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