Indications of ocular eye infection

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Bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi are known to infect the eyes. Usually, one eye is first infected and can spread to the other eye in some cases. An ocular eye infection or commonly known as conjunctivitis can cause localized irritation and symptoms that have varying intensity. The symptoms of an eye infection are somewhat similar among various causes. It is best to consult a doctor so that the eye can be properly assessed and carry out tests to determine the exact cause and appropriate treatment. If you want to learn the measures to carry out if eye infection is suspected, read here.

Eye pain

There are certain types of eye infections that can cause eye pain. The ocular herpes infections due to the herpes simplex virus are usually linked with severe pain in the affected eye.


It is important to note that itchiness is a usual symptom of eye infections. This symptom is quite common with eye allergies as well. An indication that the cause might be an infection and not an allergy is that one eye is usually involved with infections. In case both eyes are equally involved, it indicates an allergy.

Eye infection
It is important to note that itchiness is a usual symptom of eye infections.

Scratchy or sandy sensation

The irritation of the interior lining of the eyelids and the surface of the eye due to an infection often results to the sensation of scratchiness or grittiness in the affected eye. Individuals often feel like there is sand inside the infected eye.

Redness and photophobia

Always bear in mind that all forms of eye infections can cause redness or hyperemia of the white part of the eyes as well as interior of the eyelids. The redness that occurs reflects irritation of these surfaces by the infectious agent. Sensitivity to light or photophobia usually occurs along with eye irritation.

The bacteria eye infections usually trigger severe redness than those caused by viruses. In addition, the bacterial eye infections often instigate small areas that are bleeding in the white part of the eyes which is called as petechial hemorrhage.

Blurred vision

In some types of eye infections, it involves blurred vision due to the presence of lesions on the cornea which is the clear part in front of the colored region of the eye. The fungal eye infections usually cause this symptom. Those who use contact lens are usually prone to fungal eye infections. Proper hand washing before handling the contact lenses can help prevent fungal eye infections that can lead to vision loss.

Tearing and eye discharge

Remember that eye infections typically result to tearing and even discharge from the eye. The irritation of the inner eyelid lining and eye surface can cause tearing or watering of the eye. There are certain types of eye infections that can also instigate discharge from the affected eye.

Bacterial eye infections usually produce dense, yellowish-green discharge. Take note that the discharge accumulates in the eyelashes and dries up, resulting to crusting upon waking up in the morning. In some cases of viral infections, it can also result to crusting but less intense than those caused by bacteria.

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