How to prevent chafing

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Chafing is triggered by constant rubbing and sweating. While some of us wonder if chafing is an indication that it is time to lose weight, it is not always the case. In reality, even skinny individuals can experience the same issue. The prevention of chafing involves a number of measures such as maintaining proper hydration, staying dry, using a lubricant and wearing proper clothing.


The individual should drink plenty of fluids before, during and after a walk or run. This will allow the individual to freely perspire so that the perspiration will not dry into salt crystals which will promote further chafing.

Any physical activity such as prolonged walks or running requires proper hydration. The individual should always bring along enough water to keep the body properly hydrated.

The individual should drink plenty of fluids before, during and after a walk or run.

Staying dry

It is recommended to stay light on using the deodorant stick since this will only make the individual stickier. You can utilize talcum powder, potato starch or cornstarch to maintain the dryness of the skin. In case this measure does not work, it is time to switch to an effective lubricant.


Individuals who engage in running or walking utilize various kinds of lubricants to keep the areas from sliding past each other instead of rubbing raw. Always keep a petroleum jelly on hand at all times. The application should be done liberally before the individual engages in a walk or run.

Take note that sports stores offer a variety of gels that can help prevent chafing. You can also find options that that are free from petroleum and non-staining. Try to check your medicine cabinet and look for something that can keep the area properly lubricated.

Using the right clothing

Even though loose clothing feels good while on the trail, it is recommended to use one with a snug fit in order to prevent chafing. There are biking shorts that are specifically designed to provide a skin tight fit that can help prevent chafing and excellent if the issue affects the lower body or thigh area.

For the upper body, Lycra/spandex or polypropylene tops that fit the skin is the solution. Remember that the nipples are prone to chafing which affects men and women who do no wear bras. The use of adhesive bandages can provide more protection than lubrication.

If an individual is prone to chafing, it is best to check out sports stores for suitable clothing to use when engaging in physical activities. Most stores offer a variety of clothing suitable for the activity of the individual.

Treatment for chafing

Once an individual experiences chafing, the area should be treated just like an open wound. Wash and clean the affected area using an antiseptic in order to prevent infection from developing and cover with a sterile gauze pad. This will allow the area to breathe until it is fully healed.

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