How to manage tickly cough

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A cough that is dry, non-productive and tickly can indicate that it does not produce phlegm. This type of cough is not usually linked with serious conditions. In most cases, a tickly cough can be triggered by environmental factors such as dust or can be after-effects of an allergic reaction or a cold.

Tickly cough can be irritating, annoying and can disrupt sleep. The remedies for this form of cough range from honeys and herbal teas to help calm and soothe the throat as well as over-the-counter medications and drying agents. A doctor should be consulted before herbs are taken for tickly cough. By enrolling in a course on first aid, you are prepared to handle this form of cough.

Tickly cough
Tickly cough can be irritating, annoying and can disrupt sleep.


If an individual is currently suffering from a chronic case of nasal congestion or sinusitis, the exact reason for the tickly cough might be the thin dribble of mucus that is capable of irritating the rear part of the throat as it moves it through the sinus passages. This flow of mucus or postnasal drip will instigate the cough. This form of tickly cough can be controlled with an antihistamine particularly diphenhydramine which works to dry out the mucus stream. A doctor must be consulted if an antihistamine can be effective against the tickly cough.

Cough suppressants

An individual can oftentimes control the tickly cough by simply suppressing the cough reflex. In case the tickly cough is triggered by exposure to dust, polluted air or aridity, he/she must be given glycerin tablets to suck on and drink adequate amounts of water to keep the throat moist in order to reduce the impulse to cough.

In case the tickly cough is the remainder of the cold or other conditions, a doctor should be consulted if a cough suppressant particularly dextromethorphan can help. There are also other cough suppressants that are available which includes linctus, codeine and pholcodine.

Antispasmodic teas and herbal drops

Based on studies conducted, it was discovered the reactions of young children with night time coughs and concluded that honey might be a natural and highly effective cough suppressant. It is also noted that warm water or tea splashed with lemon and honey has long been an effective treatment against a sore throat.

Even honey alone with its antispasmodic qualities is considered as effective as the cough suppressant dextromethorphan. Anise and wild cherry are the herbs for teas that can also provide relief to dry, irritating cough. A doctor should be consulted first before using any of the herbal remedies.

If an individual is suffering for tickly cough that continues to persist, a doctor should be consulted for proper assessment and treatment. The doctor will provide the appropriate treatment to help provide relief to the tickly cough experienced by the individual.

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