How to manage hamstring hyperextension

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The hamstrings are a group of muscles situated in the rear part of the thigh. There are three muscles included in the group – semitendinosus, biceps femoris and semimembranosus. The role of these muscles is to bend the knee and to extend the hip. Take note that it is quite prevalent that these muscles end up hyperextended and injured.

When it comes to hamstring hyperextension, it is best that you are prepared to handle this injury. All you have to do is to enroll in a first aid course today.

Causes of hamstring hyperextension

It is important to note that hamstring hyperextension is often linked with certain sports such as track and field, basketball, tennis, football and rugby. Even gymnastics and ballet are likely to cause hamstring hyperextension.

Hamstring hyperextension occurs once the leg is raised while the foot is moved away from the body while the knee is bent, typically during abrupt change in direction or quick movement. This is often initiated by tight hamstrings or an imbalance in the muscular strength since the hamstrings are usually weaker than the quadriceps which is situated in the front part of the thigh. The ideal way to avoid hamstring hyperextension is to ensure that they are properly warmed up and stretched before any activity.

Hamstring hyperextension
The indications of hamstring hyperextension include muscle stiffness, hamstring pain, bruising, swelling and a palpable mass present.

What are the symptoms?

Hamstring hyperextension can result to pulled hamstrings. The indications of hamstring hyperextension include muscle stiffness, hamstring pain, bruising, swelling and a palpable mass present. Once the injury occurs, the individual will experience abrupt sharp pain in the hamstring while the knee could not extend more than 30-40 degrees. The severity of the injury can be used to determine the level of pain, walking capability and range of motion.

Diagnosing hamstring hyperextension

Hamstring hyperextension can be diagnosed with physical examination. This is usually carried out by palpation of the muscles to check if there are tender or painful areas. The doctor will also instruct the individual to perform straight leg raise, slump test and resisted knee flexion to assess the tightness of the hamstring and level of pain. Aside from these test, the doctor will check the medical history, history of injuries and details of the current injury of the individual.

Treatment for hamstring hyperextension

The treatment for hamstring hyperextension must be started right away. The initial 48 hours is considered vital for treatment. The RICE method (rest, ice, compression, elevation) is used for hamstring hyperextension. The swelling and pain linked with hamstring hyperextension can be managed with rest and application of ice while a compression bandage can be utilize to reduce the intramuscular bleeding.

When it comes to severe pain and swelling, the treatment usually involves non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Once the pain subsides, strengthening and range of motion exercises must be starts in order to restore the functionality of the hamstrings. Additionally, physical therapy is also required in order to ensure full recovery of the individual.

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