How to manage exercise-induced rhinitis?

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Rhinitis is the infection of the mucous membranes the line the nasal cavity. The condition is generally categorized into non-allergic and allergic forms. When it comes to exercise-induced rhinitis, the common symptoms include runny nose along with other symptoms such as congestion, postnasal drip, watery eyes, sneezing and itchy eyes. This form of rhinitis can be uncomfortable for athletes since it can drastically affect their overall athletic performance during practice or competitions. You can enroll in a first aid class so that you can properly handle the symptoms.

Who are affected by exercise-induced rhinitis?

Rhinitis occurs on both non-athletes and athletes. Exercise-induced rhinitis affects those who currently have nasal allergies as well as those who do not have the condition. Just remember that the adverse effects are more evident and prevalent among highly sensitive individuals.

Exercise-induced rhinitis is more common among allergic individuals whether exercise was performed outdoors or indoors while non-allergic individuals are also affected in either environment. It is also noted that the athletic performance of sporty individuals can be drastically affected by the condition than those who are not athletic.

Exercise-induced rhinitis
Exercise-induced rhinitis is more common among allergic individuals whether exercise was performed outdoors or indoors while non-allergic individuals are also affected in either environment.

Possible causes

Since this condition is not yet fully recognized, most of the usual causes for other forms of rhinitis have been suggested for exercise-induced rhinitis. The close connection is to vasomotor rhinitis which is mainly linked to changes in the humidity, temperature, as well as cigarette smoke, intake of alcohol and non-specific odors. Both forms of rhinitis involve heightened neural activity to the parts of the brain linked with the flow of blood to the nasal mucosa. The increased flow of blood can lead to passive decongestion resulting to runny nose or an increased sensitivity to general irritants. This results to congestion, itchy eyes and watery eyes.

Identifying the condition

The diagnosis of vasomotor rhinitis can occur only through the process of elimination. In the same manner, a diagnosis of exercise-induced rhinitis often follows the elimination of other possible causes for the exercise-induced rhinitis related symptoms such as allergies, viral infections and other forms of rhinitis. Once these symptoms are chronic or become worse during exercise as well as persist despite changing environmental pressures, it can be diagnosis of exercise-induced rhinitis.


Even though the nasal symptoms linked other forms of rhinitis often improve with increased exercise, it is believed that this can cause a reverse effect among those who suffer from exercise-induced rhinitis. The ideal treatments for both allergic and non-allergic individuals who have exercise-induced rhinitis include antihistamines, immunotherapy as well as intravenous, oral or intramuscular drugs.

Preventive measures

One of the main concerns linked to exercise-induced rhinitis involves early recognition and proper diagnosis. Since the symptoms are common to other conditions, the risk for misdiagnosis as well as receiving the incorrect treatment is high. Additionally, several other exercise-induced conditions can contribute to or aggravate the symptoms

These conditions which include exercise-induced asthma and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction must be treated in order to prevent exercise-induced rhinitis from developing.

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