How electrical shocks occur

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Electric shock has been one of the causes of death on a global scale.  In most cases, electric shock injuries can occur once an electric current passes through the body or even exposure to a lightning strike in rare occasions. Electrical cords from household appliances are responsible for many cases of electrical shock injuries among children. As for infants, they are also prone to electrical injuries once they attempt to insert metal objects in their mouths.

How the electric current works

The amount of electrical charge that flows from one point to another is called as the electric current which represents the transfer of electrons via a conductive material. Good conductors include metal and electricity while the human body is also considered as a conductor. Take note that electricity travels in closed circuits in which shock happens once the body becomes a part of the circuit. The electric current enters the body at one point and exits at another point. Always remember that this can lead to a shock injury which requires immediate emergency care.

Scenarios where electrical shock can likely occur

The common scenarios where an electrical shock can occur is when an individual touches a piece of metal that is connected to a charged circuit while touching the ground or when the individual touches a wire connected to a charged circuit and the ground or when he/she touches both wires of a charged circuit.

In case the wiring of electrical appliances is exposed due to cracks in the insulation, any of the metallic parts can become charged and generates an electrical shock injury.

Electrical shock factors

The severity of the shock that an individual sustains usually depends on certain factors such as the span of time the body is part of the electric circuit, path the electric current travels through the body, amount of current the body is exposed to and the type of current. Other considerations include the wetness of the surroundings, overall health of the individual and the phase of the cardiac cycle at the time the shock occurred.

Electrical shock injuries

Electrical shock
High voltage shocks can lead to cardiac arrest or even cause the paralysis of the lungs, leading to immediate death.

Due to the sensitive nature of the nervous system to the electric current, neurological problems often occur due to shock. High voltage shocks can lead to cardiac arrest or even cause the paralysis of the lungs, leading to immediate death. Additionally, an electrical shock can cause convulsive spasms which can lead to dislocation or broken bones.

Damage to the circulatory system is evident by the formation of blood clots in the small veins and arteries. An individual can recover from these injuries but it would require amputation of the affected limbs.

A high voltage shock can be delivered by a bolt of lightning. Take note that an average lightning volt is composed of billions of watts and volts. In some cases, some died due to lightning-related injuries.

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