Eye injuries

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If you are not careful with your eyes, you might end up with eye injuries, especially during sports. Understandably, eye injuries can occur in any working environment especially professions that involves the use of power tools.

Common eye injuries

• Eye abrasion
• Black eye
• Impaled object in the eye
• Chemical exposure

First aid for eye injuries

When it comes to eye injuries, it is important to take immediate action and follow certain steps if an individual is suffering from an eye-related injury.

Small objects in the eyelid or eye

If tiny objects entered the eye, it often clears itself such as sand or eyelashes through tearing and blinking. If not, these are the steps to perform:

• Instruct the individual to avoid rubbing the eyes. Wash your hands first before examining the affected eye.
• Check the eye in a well-lighted room. When finding the object, instruct the individual to look up and down, then side to side.
• In case you could not find the object, hold the lower eyelid and pull down gently to inspect the lower eyelid. As for the upper eyelid, position a cotton swab on the exterior part of the superior eyelid and gently turn over the lid on the cotton swab.
• In case the foreign object is located on the eyelid, you can flush it gently using water. If this is not successful, try using another cotton-tipped swab to remove the object.
• If the object is directly on the eye, gently rinse it using water. Using an eye dropper that is positioned above the exterior corner of eye can also help. Avoid touching the eye using a cotton swab.

After the object is removed, a scratchy sensation or minor discomfort can continue. This will go away in a day or two. In case there is still uneasiness or blurry vision, it is best to consult your doctor.

Objects embedded or stuck in the eye

eye injuries
Do not apply pressure or remove foreign objects embedded in the eye.

• Do not attempt to remove the object or touch it or apply any pressure on it.
• Try to calm and reassure the individual.
• Wash your hands.
• Both eyes should be bandaged. In case the embedded object is big, place a cone or paper cup over the affected eye and secure it in place. As for the uninjured eye, cover it with a clean cloth or gauze. For small objects, cover both eyes using a clean cloth or dressing. Take note that covering both eyes will help prevent eye movement.
• Go to the emergency department at the nearest hospital.

Chemicals in the eye

• Flush the eye with cool tap water right away. Position the head of the individual so that the affected eye is facing down and turned to the side. Open the eyelid so that the running water can flush away the chemicals.
• If both eyes are exposed or if the chemical gets in contact with other body parts, instruct the individual to take a shower.
• In case the individual is wearing contact lenses, they should be removed after the flushing of water.
• Both eyes should be covered with a clean dressing and instruct the individual to avoid rubbing the eyes. Even if only one eye is affected, covering both eyes will limit the eye movement.
• After the first aid measures are delivered, seek medical care immediately.

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