Fructose intolerance

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Fructose intolerance is basically a condition in which the individual does not possess the required protein to properly digest fructose. Take note that fructose is naturally present in the body and is utilized in the food industry to produce artificial sweeteners for beverages and food products. Even though some of the symptoms of fructose intolerance are mild, others can be serious that immediate emergency care is required. The earlier this food intolerance is diagnosed by a healthcare professional, the better for the overall health of the individual.

What are the causes of fructose intolerance?

In most cases, fructose intolerance is considered as a condition that is inherited and can manifest as early in babies. The main cause of the condition is the lack of aldolase B which is responsible for digesting the fructose properly. It simply means that if the individual eats fructose, the body is suddenly unable to change the glycogen into glucose. As a result, the blood sugar level in the body drops abruptly and the toxins can accumulate in the liver.

Symptoms of fructose intolerance

You can observe the following symptoms if an individual have fructose intolerance. It is important that you know how to distinguish these symptoms so that proper measures can be performed as soon as possible.


Individuals who have fructose intolerance will initially notice that they are getting tired all the time. In most cases, this symptom usually manifest in babies who sleep more often than normal. Since the body is no longer processing the sugars ingested into energy, it can eventually lead to fatigue, sleepiness and weakness.

Gastrointestinal issues

Fructose intolerance
Individuals who have fructose intolerance will initially notice that they are getting tired all the time.

One of the initial symptoms of fructose intolerance is the digestive problem in general. Among babies, they will not feed very well and eventually lose weight. Both adults and children will notice stomach upset after consuming any food that contains fructose. This will be followed by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In most cases, the individual will also find that he/she becomes physically ill at the thought of eating fruits due to the nauseating effect experienced in the past.


Hypoglycemia is another common indication of fructose intolerance. This is a circumstance in which the blood sugar level drops below the normal level. Since the condition inhibits the ability of the body to break up glycogen into glucose, the individual will experience hypoglycemia abruptly, oftentimes right after eating any food that contains fructose.

Liver failure

Liver failure is one of the serious symptoms of fructose intolerance. Even though this rarely occurs, liver failure can occur quickly in severe cases of fructose intolerance. This is noticeable through jaundice or the yellowing of the skin. This would require immediate treatment particularly in severe cases of the intolerance.

It is best to consult a doctor so that a proper diagnosis can be given. If the individual has fructose intolerance, the doctor can provide dietary recommendations so that the individual can still maintain a good diet.

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