Eyelid rash

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Eyelid rashes are considered as a common issue, particularly for women and can be triggered by various allergic reactions and autoimmune diseases. It is important to note that the skin over the eyelids is very thin and susceptible to rashes caused by allergies.

Most individuals who experience eyelid rashes have allergic causes, often due to hair care products or cosmetics being used in daily life.

Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis that affects the eyelids is quite common and often triggered by certain cosmetics that are applied directly to the eyelids such as an eye liner or eye shadow.

Eyelid rash
Contact dermatitis that affects the eyelids is quite common and often triggered by certain cosmetics that are applied directly to the eyelids such as an eye liner or eye shadow.

These cosmetics might contain a variety of antigens that causes the eyelid rash such as formaldehyde. Eye cosmetics that have blue or green color might contain cobalt or nickel which are also common causes of contact dermatitis. Mascara can also instigate eyelid rashes either from formaldehyde or nickel present in the applicator device. Even eyelash curlers can cause rashes due to the nickel.

Remember that even the products used on the scalp including conditioners, shampoo, hair dye and other hair care products can cause irritation on the eyelid even if there is no rash on the scalp. The skin in the scalp is thick and oftentimes, a rash will not appear on the area initially.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis can cause eyelid rashes often due to allergy to pet dander, pollen, dust mites and mold spores. Essentially, other parts of the body can be affected by the skin condition, but the eyelids alone can be affected, particularly among adults. In addition, food allergies can be considered as a cause of contact dermatitis especially in children.

Other eyelid rashes

There are other diseases that can instigate eyelid rashes, especially autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus and dermatomyositis. In most cases, other symptoms are also present with autoimmune diseases such as night sweats, weight loss, fatigue, fever and muscle ache.

Treatment of eyelid rash

In case the eyelid rash is caused by atopic dermatitis or contact dermatitis, various skin creams can be used in managing the symptoms. Take note that the skin on the eyelids is susceptible to the side effects of topical steroids. Once these medications enter the eyes, it can result to cataract or glaucoma. With this in mind, low potency topical steroids such as over-the-counter strength hydrocortisone cream must be applied cautiously and on a short-term basis and with extreme care on the eyelids.

Other creams that can be utilized on the face include topical calcineurin inhibitors. Take note that these medications can be used on atopic dermatitis in adults and children 2 years of age and older. Unlike with topical steroids, these medications will not trigger side effects of topical steroids nor do they lose effectiveness with extended use. In addition, they can be applied on any part of the skin including the eyelids.

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