Can cold weather trigger facial rashes in children?

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Facial rashes that occur among children have various causes such as viruses, irritants and illnesses. Cold weather is known to cause or worsen the facial rashes especially if the temperature and elements are quite extreme. Being familiar with what causes a facial rash during cold weather can help determine the right treatment and preventive measures.

Close look on facial rashes

The facial rashes that occur during cold weather can vary from mild to severe. Being exposed to extreme temperatures can instigate or worsen the rashes. It is important to note that the facial rashes can manifest on any part of the face including the nose, cheeks, scalp and forehead.

The rash can also develop on the chest, stomach, back and arms. Aside from the rashes, the child can also end up with fever, muscle aches and cold-like symptoms.

What are the possible causes of facial rashes?

Facial rashes
The facial rashes that occur during cold weather can vary from mild to severe.

The moistness due to drooling, licking lips or having a runny nose can eventually disrupt the upper layers of the skin, particularly if exposed to windy and cold air which triggers a facial rash.

Cold weather, friction from clothing and the wind can chap the facial skin of the child. Take note that frostnip which is a minor form of frostbite can manifest once exposed to cold environments. In some cases, heat rashes can occur if the child is heavily layered with clothing and becomes overheated. Certain medical conditions such as eczema, roseola or fifth disease can trigger facial rashes during cold weather.


It is vital to wash the face of the child using lukewarm water to moisturize and soothe the facial rashes. Dab on a thin layer of petroleum jelly, hydrocortisone cream, calamine lotion or a thick moisturizer on the child to soothe the itchiness as well as the redness.

If allowed by the doctor, provide the child with the appropriate dose of Benadryl. Avoid future episodes of facial rashes by limiting the amount of time being exposed to cold weather and wind. In addition, keep the face protected from the elements with a high collar or loose fitting scarf.

Possible dangers

A doctor should be consulted if the facial rashes of the child is intense, lasts more than 4 weeks, does not decrease even with treatment or accompanied by pustules, warmth, fever or blisters.

Remember that these are indications of a serious infection or condition such as the herpes virus. If possible, do not allow the child to scratch the rashes no matter how itchy they are. Take note that scratching the area can lead to scarring and increase the risk for infection.

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