Effects of excessive coughing?

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It is important to note that coughing is considered as a normal reflex of the body that occurs once the mouth or throat ends up irritated due to exposure to a foreign substance. On the other hand, if coughing persists for more than eight weeks, it is called as chronic cough. The symptoms of chronic cough include wheezing, shortness of breath, heartburn, coughing up of blood and a liquid sensation at the rear part of the throat. Asthma, postnasal drip and respiratory tract infections are some of the known causes. If left untreated, excessive coughing can cause several effects that you should be familiar with. You can enroll in a first aid course today so that you will learn how to properly manage coughing.


In some cases, excessive coughing can often lead to a headache. The symptoms of a headache include dull, pressure-like pain that affects the whole head. Oftentimes, the pain tends to worsen at the scalp area, back part of the neck or in the temple. In most cases, headaches can last for 30 minutes up to seven days.

When treating a headache, it involves rest, getting enough sleep and exercise. The individual must be encouraged to drink plenty of fluids since dehydration can trigger a headache. Over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen and acetaminophen can be given to manage the conditions. Oftentimes, prescription medications can be prescribed by the doctor.

Excessive coughing
The symptoms of a headache include dull, pressure-like pain that affects the whole head.


Excessive coughing can lead to dizziness. It is important to note that dizziness typically include lightheadedness, loss of balance, vertigo and fainting. The treatment for dizziness includes drinking fluids, changes with the posture and medications such as antihistamines, sedatives and nausea pills. Oftentimes, the dizziness can disappear after an episode of excessive coughing diminishes.

Urinary incontinence

Take note that excessive coughing can eventually lead to urinary incontinence which is a medical condition in which the individual could not control his/her urination. Excessive coughing can lead to stress incontinence which occurs when stress or pressure is placed on the bladder when the individual laughs, coughs, performs an exercise routine and even lift heavy objects.

The treatment for urinary incontinence involves retraining the bladder by holding the urine for at least 10 minutes when the urge manifest and scheduling trips to the bathroom. It is also important to limit the intake of fluids, engaging in pelvic exercises and managing the diet. Additionally, medications can also be given.

Fractures on the ribs

The force caused by excessive coughing can lead to fractures on the ribs, particularly among individuals who have brittle bone diseases such as osteoporosis. The symptoms of a rib fracture include pain in the ribs when coughing, swelling and bruising at the site of the fracture as well as pain when breathing.

The treatment for a rib fracture includes protecting the fractured ribs using a chest binder and rest. Medications such as naproxen, ibuprofen, acetaminophen and aspirin can help minimize the pain. Epidural anesthesia and intercostal nerve blocks can help reduce the pain in the rib. Oftentimes, hospitalization might be required if the fractured rib punctured a vital organ such as the heart or stomach.

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