Digestive issues after eating beef

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Some individuals experience digestive issues after ingestion of beef. A typical cause of digestive issues after eating beef is food poisoning which can trigger various gastrointestinal symptoms that manifest within hours of ingesting contaminated beef. Other possible reasons the individual might feel sick after eating beef includes meat intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome or meat allergy. A doctor should be consulted for a clinical diagnosis of the condition.

Food poisoning

Food poisoning affects millions of individuals every year. In most cases of food poisoning, they occur after consumption of beef that has been contaminated by bacteria, toxins or other infectious organisms.

Within 4-36 hours after ingesting the contaminated beef, the individual can develop diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, stomach cramps and abdominal pain. Remember that there is no cure for food poisoning after ingesting contaminated beef aside from getting enough rest, eating a bland diet and increasing the intake of fluids for a few days. In case the symptoms are severe, a doctor should be consulted.

Intolerance to meat

Within 4-36 hours after ingesting the contaminated beef, the individual can develop diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, stomach cramps and abdominal pain.

Food intolerance prevents proper digestion of a particular food and can make an individual sick. If the individual is intolerant to beef, the digestive system could not generate the required enzyme to digest it properly.

The proteins from beef stay undigested which allows it to interact with bacteria that can lead to increased gas, nausea, bloating and diarrhea. Individuals with irritable bowel syndrome can also end up with these symptoms.

Meat allergy

If an individual has meat allergy, particularly to the carbohydrates or even the proteins in beef, he/she can develop digestive issues within minutes of ingesting beef. Meat allergy involves hypersensitivity of the immune system that triggers the body to respond to beef as if it is threat.

The body releases antibodies that fight off the beef proteins. The antibodies instigate other chemicals that result to inflammation in the digestive system which causes vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, pain and cramps. A doctor should be consulted or seek immediate care if a reaction occurs right after eating beef.


Food poisoning due to consuming beef can be prevented. In most cases of food poisoning, they are linked to poorly cooked meat, incorrect hand washing or utilizing contaminated utensils.

It is vital to use clean dishes, wash hands carefully every time meat is touched, utilizing a thermometer during preparing meals and cooking beef up to 160 degrees. Avoid using the same platter that was used for uncooked beef and prepared beef. Avoid eating beef that has been left raw in the refrigerator for more than 2 days. In addition, beef that has foul taste or odor should not be eaten.

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