Close look on hepatitis B

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Hepatitis B involves inflammation of the liver due to the hepatitis B virus. This type of infection can be categorized as acute or chronic.

An acute case causes symptoms that manifest quickly among adults. Children rarely acquire the disease since any infections among children are likely to be chronic. As for the chronic type, it develops in a slow manner with symptoms that are less noticeable unless the complications develop.

Is it contagious?

Hepatitis B is very contagious and spreads via contact with infected saliva, blood or other bodily fluids. The symptoms might not manifest for a few days or longer after acquiring the virus. Nevertheless, an individual is still contagious even if there are no symptoms.

Modes of transmission

  • Being pricked by a needle contaminated by the hepatitis B virus
  • Transfer from mother to an infant during birth
  • Using an infected razor or toothbrush
  • Vaginal, oral or anal sex
  • Close contact with an individual with the hepatitis B virus
    Hepatitis B
    Hepatitis B is very contagious and spreads via contact with infected saliva, blood or other bodily fluids.

What are the indications of hepatitis B?

The signs and symptoms of hepatitis B might not be evident for months or even years. Nevertheless, the typical symptoms include the following:

Any symptoms of hepatitis B necessitates immediate treatment. A doctor should be informed right way if an individual has been exposed to minimize the spread of the infection.


What is the hepatitis B immune globulin?

A doctor should be consulted right away if an individual came in contact with an individual who has hepatitis B within the last 24 hours. It might be possible to prevent the infection with the administration of HBV immune globulin which is a solution of antibodies that work against the virus.

Treatment options

When it comes to the acute type, treatment is not usually needed. Many eventually overcome an acute infection on their own. Nevertheless, getting enough rest can help hasten the recovery.

Antiviral medications can also be used to manage the chronic type. These medications work by fighting the virus as well as minimizing the risk for developing future complications in the liver.

In some cases, a liver transplant might be required if the condition has significantly impaired the organ. During the procedure, the surgeon will remove the liver and replace it with a donor liver. Most of the donor livers usually come from deceased donors.

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