Close look on a sports concussion

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A concussion is common form of traumatic injury involving the head that develops from both minor and severe blows to the head. Some cases of head injuries might appear mild but based on studies conducted, it was discovered that concussions can result to serious, long-standing effects particularly those that involve recurrent head injuries or accumulative concussions.

A concussion is usually triggered by a severe head trauma in which the brain violently moves inside the skull. The brain cells all fire at once which is similar to a seizure. Based on studies conducted, it was revealed that those who suffered from a concussion have brain activity of one who is in coma.

What are the indications?

Early symptoms

  • Disorientation
    Sports concussion
    A concussion is usually triggered by a severe head trauma in which the brain violently moves inside the skull.
  • Confusion
  • Memory loss
  • Tinnitus
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Dizziness
  • Unequal pupil size
  • Headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Visual changes

Late symptoms

  • Poor concentration
  • Memory and sleep disturbances
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Personality changes

Risk of snowboarders and skiers

Among skiers and snowboarders, the cases of both spinal cord and traumatic brain injury are increasing. The increase in the injury cases is linked to the increase and preference for higher speeds while on the slopes and acrobatic movements such as twists and jumping.

In such cases, using a helmet can minimize the risk for head injuries and highly recommended for snowboarders and skiers.

How to manage a concussion

If an individual sustained a head injury, he/she must stop activity and seek medical care. Remember that even a minor bump on the head can progress into something serious if the individual resumes physical activity.

Once an individual is allowed to resume play too early after sustaining a head injury, it increases the risk for more serious injury to the brain. Since the indications of a mild concussion such as disorientation, confusion and memory loss might subside within minutes and not even reported, many are allowed to continue activity before the brain has enough time to properly heal.

Determining the right time for an individual to resume activity after sustaining a concussion have been an issue for concern. Nevertheless, several studies made breakthroughs in the assessment of the injury.

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