Child care: Urinary tract infections

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Urinary tract infections in children typically settle if treated right away. The urinary tract is responsible for producing urine and transports it out of the body. If a child has recurrent infections, the doctor might require tests to rule out other serious issues.

It is important to note that urinary tract infections can progress to a serious infection throughout the body which is called sepsis. Issues from a urinary infection are likely to occur among infants born too soon and infants who have blockage in the urine flow.

What are the causes of urinary tract infections?

Microorganisms that live in the large intestine and the stool can enter the urethra which is the tube that transports urine from the bladder and out of the body. The germs can enter the bladder and the kidneys.

Urinary tract infections
It is important to note that urinary tract infections can progress to a serious infection throughout the body which is called sepsis.

What are the indications?

Infants and young children might not have the usual symptoms such as burning or pain during urination. In addition, they could not tell what they feel. Among infants or young children, you should watch out for the following:

  • Fever
  • Strange-smelling urine
  • Vomiting
  • Fussiness
  • Diminished appetite

Among older children, they are likely to have the common symptoms such as:

  • Urge to urinate more often
  • Pain or burning sensation while urinating
  • Loss of bladder control
  • Pink, red, cloudy or foul-smelling urine
  • Flank pain that is felt beneath the rib cage and above the waist on one or both sides of the back
  • Low abdominal pain


Children with urinary tract infections are given antibiotics. The prescribed course must be completed even if the child feels better. The number of days the child should take the medication depends on the condition, age and type of antibiotic. In addition, provide the child with more fluids to drink to flush out the germs.

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