Causes of eczema: Is fish a potential trigger?

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A usual indication of an allergic reaction to fish is the occurrence of eczema and other skin rashes after ingesting seafood products including fish. If the individual eats fish and develops a blister-like rash that weeps and crusts, he/she is likely suffering from an allergic reaction to fish.

Always bear in mind that fish allergies affects millions of individuals globally. An allergic reaction to fish can also progress to a severe reaction that can be fatal.

Overview on fish allergy

When it comes to fish allergies, it develops once the body perceives the proteins in fish as a threat. The immune system erroneously reacts to the proteins and starts to defend the body by generating IgE antibodies that fight the fish proteins.

When eczema develops, apply a cold compress on the affected area to reduce the itchiness and swelling.

The IgE antibodies initiate a bodily reaction that triggers other chemicals to react which causes the allergy symptoms. Always bear in mind that eczema can be due to fish allergy in some individuals. Allergies to fish are also associated to anaphylaxis which is a severe life-threatening reaction that abruptly develops. If the individual experiences dizziness, shortness of breath, hives, confusion and rapid heart rate, call for emergency assistance.

Close look on eczema

Eczema is a long-lasting skin condition in which the skin becomes highly sensitive to various triggers that can cause flare-up of the rash. Just like with other allergies, the skin overly reacts to certain substances that trigger swelling, inflammation and itchiness.

This skin condition is quite common among children but can last for a lifetime. The usual triggers for eczema include stress, extreme hot or cold, airborne allergens and food allergies. If the individual is allergic to fish, he/she can end up with an outbreak after a few minutes of consuming the food.

Irritation of the skin triggers the flare-up of eczema. If the individual consumes fish and develops a reaction, large amounts of histamine which is a naturally present chemical in the body that fights infection are released in the skin that leads to inflammation. Within a few minutes after ingesting fish, spots can develop around the mouth, face or on any part of the body. These spots develop slowly into itchy bumps that are filled with fluid. If the individual scratches the bumps, they will ooze and leave the skin prone to infection. It is vital to consult a doctor so that an accurate diagnosis can be given.

Management of eczema

The treatment starts by eliminating fish from the diet. The minor fish allergy symptoms can be managed with over-the-counter antihistamines and can improve the eczema. When eczema develops, apply a cold compress on the affected area to reduce the itchiness and swelling. You can also apply hydrocortisone cream to control the rash. Additionally, the individual should avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes and keep the skin properly moisturized.

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